The Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre training program is now accepting applications from prospective researchers hoping to start developing careers in the performing arts in various capacities, including positions at public cultural facilities, arts-related NPOs, and festivals, in order to cultivate professionals with a strong foundation of artistic expertise.
The program aims to train young people with aspirations to work at public cultural facilities, arts organizations, future Tokyo-based festivals, and other organizations in the skills that they will need to thrive as producers and coordinators or make career transitions into the performing arts field. Through lectures, seminars, and on-site training, participants will not only gain the knowledge and abilities that their target professions require but also enjoy opportunities to network with other theater personnel.
・Field experience: Help participants gain the real-life experience—not just theoretical textbook knowledge—that they need to bring visions to fruition
・Knowledge: Help participants develop a solid foundation for their careers through wide-ranging knowledge and creative-thinking skills
・Networking: Help participants make connections to benefit their future career paths
Arts Academy Training Orientation
If you want to learn more about the Arts Academy before applying, this training orientation session will provide you with the necessary details.
Date/time: Sep. 18, 2017 (Mon. [holiday]), 15:00–16:00 (If you are unable to attend the scheduled orientation session, contact the program organizers about setting up an individual session.)
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Reservations (required):
Education/theater production course
Through lectures and seminars, participants will learn about arts management, cultural policy, public theaters/festivals in Japan and around the world, educational projects, and other relevant topics.
2.Experiential learning
Participants will assist with a variety of tasks, including production, operation, and public relations, for several of the following programs.
・Acting workshops
・Workshops-facilitator-training courses
・Street Artist Academy
・Community-based art projects
・Drama performances
・Welfare services for enhancing the audience experience, etc.
*Researchers may also have the opportunity to plan and implement their own projects.
3. Reports
Participants will write and submit monthly reports and a final training report.
Available slots
Small number
Training type
* If a participant demonstrates unsatisfactory performance in his/her training tasks, program organizers may revoke his/her participation privileges (even during the training period).
Training period
Mid-Nov. 2017–Mar. 31, 2018 (Sat.)
* The training program will run for roughly three months on a full-time basis.
* Participants will undergo training from two to six days a week (including weekends and holidays) depending on the type of training involved.
Daily schedule
Generally, sessions will run in shifts of 7 hours and 45 minutes between 8:45 and 22:00.
(Ex.) Early shift: 8:45–17:30
Mid-day shift: 10:30–19:15
Late shift: 13:15–22:00
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Tokyo Metropolitan Arts Studio (SUITENGU PIT), and others
Participation is free. Participants are responsible for their own meal costs and transportation to Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre.
*In cases where training takes place at locations other than Tokyo Metropolitan Theater, the program will cover the costs of transportation from Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre to the corresponding locations.
Participants will write monthly reports on the various tasks they engage in during the training period and submit their reports by the prescribed deadlines. At the end of the training program, participants will also submit a final report on a specific topic specified by Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre. Participants who submit reports satisfying the prescribed criteria and perform their training-related tasks at a satisfactory level will, as a general rule, receive 150,000 yen (including tax) per report.
(Ex.) A participant who undergoes three months of training, submits two monthly reports, and submits a final report receives 450,000 yen (including tax; 150,000 yen x 3 reports)
*The above amounts include research costs, telecommunications costs, and administrative expenses arising from the report-preparation process.
*The amounts are subject to change according to report content, participant attitude, and the results of other assessments.
*The above arrangements do not constitute an employment agreement and thus fall outside the scope of workers’ compensation insurance, employment insurance, and social insurance.
*To determine the arrangements for researchers who work at public theaters, etc., Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre will consult with the corresponding organizations and finalize the conditions, etc.
*Program organizers will transfer payments (withholding income tax) to the corresponding recipients’ designated accounts.
Applicants must:
First round (screening)
Program organizers will screen the application documents to select applicants for the second round.
Second round (interview)
Date: Oct. 14, 2017 (Sat.)
Program organizers will interview applicants who have passed the first round, focusing mainly on each applicant’s insights and personal makeup.
*Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre will specify the interview schedule (dates/times). Note that, as a general rule, applicants will not be able to choose their own interview dates/times.
Sep.15 (Fri.) – Sep.28 (Thu) 2017
Place your application materials in an envelope marked “Arts Academy Researcher Application” in red and send it to the appropriate address via simplified registered mail.
*Note that you may not submit your application via email, via fax, or in person.
Application documents
*Personal information included in applications for participation will be used within the scope necessary for applicant selection. Please note that application materials will not be returned.
Screening (first-round) results will be sent to the applicants within 10 days after the application deadline.
Interview (second-round) results will be sent to the applicants within 1 week after the interviews are complete.
Please note that program organizers are unable to respond to inquiries by telephone, etc., concerning the results of either round of the selection process.
Educational Programs Section,
Project Planning Division,
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
1-8-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0021
TEL: 03-5391-2116