Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra – dubbed “the musical ambassador of Japan’s capital Tokyo” – will present an ensemble concert with audience participation at various locations in the Tama area and Tokyo’s offshore islands. This program aims to provide opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to develop greater familiarity with classical music, as well as fostering a sense of excitement around the Cultural Olympiad aspects of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Woodwind quintet from the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra
Special guest: Hinohara Village Mayer Yoshiji Sakamoto (ocarina)
Ibert: Three Short Pieces
Yumi Kimura: Itsumo Nandodemo from Spirited Away
Medley of Hibari Misora (Arranged by Shoko Uchida)
Rogers: Sound of Music Medley
Yumi Matsutoya: Haru yo koi
and more
*No reservations required
*No pre-school-aged children admitted
*This event will be photographed and/or video recorded for archival and related promotional purposes.
*Program details are subject to change.
Social Education Section,
Education Division,
Hinohara Village office
Saturday, November 25 2017, 14:00
(Opens at 13:30, ends at 15:00)