With the 2020 Olympics approaching and demand rising for the creation and dissemination of arts and culture for the event, the issue at hand is how to represent Tokyo as a city. In this lecture we welcome the two new artistic directors of representative urban performing arts festivals in Taipei and London to join participants in exploring the philosophy behind programming, and the possibilities for festivals. This is also a valuable opportunity to hear the thoughts of our two guests on the role of the artistic director, including the challenges unique to them as artistic directors of festivals set in different lands and environments from their respective home countries of Singapore and Canada. With consecutive Japanese interpretation. Please join us!
Tang Fu Kuen (Artistic director, Taipei Arts Festival)
Kris Nelson (Appointed artistic director and joint chief executive, The London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT)
Interviewer: Kaku Nagashima (Dramaturge)
1,000 yen
*Students: Free (requires Student ID)
*First-come-first-served basis. Advance reservation required.
Please send an e-mail with the subject title “2/9 Performing Arts Festival lecture attendance” to seminar@geigeki.jp, and in the main body please state the following information:
1. Your name
2. Affiliation (please include the name of the college/school if a student)
3. Return e-mail address
4. Your contact telephone number on the day
*Application is complete upon receipt of a reply. (If your device is set to filter incoming messages please reset to allow messages from seminar@geigeki.jp)
*Personal information in your application will only be used to send you information about this seminar.
Human Resource Development Section, Program Planning Division
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre