What sort of concepts form the basis for project-planning at arts theaters overseas? And what sort of system are projects operated under? In this lecture, we invite guests from Deutsches SchauSpielHaus in Germany’s second city of Hamburg, a theater that continually puts on productions of recent representative theatrical works among German-speaking countries. In this dialogue-format session with a moderator, our guests talk about approaches to running a theater in a major city. With consecutive Japanese interpretation. Please join us!
Rita Thiele (Chief Dramaturg/Deputy Artistic Director, Deutsches SchauSpielHaus Hamburg)
Moderator: Natsume Date (theater journalist)
1,000 yen
*Students: Free (requires Student ID)
*First-come-first-served basis. Advance reservation required.
Please send an e-mail with the subject title “12/4 German theater lecture attendance” to seminar@geigeki.jp, and in the main body please state the following information:
1. Your name
2. Affiliation (please include the name of the college/school if a student)
3. Return e-mail address
4. Your contact telephone number on the day
*Application is complete upon receipt of a reply. (If your device is set to filter incoming messages please reset to allow messages from seminar@geigeki.jp)
*Personal information in your application will only be used to send you information about this seminar.
Human Resource Development Section, Program Planning Division
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre