Ladislas Chollat, the talented young director who was at the helm of the original French version, makes his directorial debut in Japan. This highly- anticipated work will feature Isao Hashizume as Andre, a role which has been filled by the world’s leading actors. With him will be Mayumi Wakamura as his daughter Anne, and the lauded supporting actors Tomohiko Imai, Kazutoyo Yoshimi, former Takarazuka Revue star Kazuho So and rising talent Laurence Midori Ohta.
Florian Zeller
Ladislas Chollat
Isao Hashizume, Mayumi Wakamura, Kazuho So, Laurence Midori Ohta, Kazutoyo Yoshimi, Tomohiko Imai
Saturday, February 2, 17:00
Sunday, February 3, 14:00
Monday, February 4, No performance
Tuesday, February 5, 19:00
Wednesday, February 6, 14:00
Thursday, February 7, 19:00
Friday, February 8, 19:00
Saturday, February 9, 14:00
Sunday, February 10, 14:00
Monday, February 11, No performance
Tuesday, February 12, 19:00
Wednesday, February 13, 14:00
Thursday, February 14, 14:00 / 19:00
Friday, February 15, 19:00
Saturday, February 16, 14:00 (☆)
Sunday, February 17, 14:00 (★)
Monday, February 18, No performance
Tuesday, February 19, No performance
Wednesday, February 20, 14:00
Thursday, February 21, 14:00 / 19:00
Friday, February 22, 19:00
Saturday, February 23, 14:00
Sunday, February 24, 14:00
☆: A pre-performance briefing and audio guide will be available for the vision-impaired (reservation required).
★: Portable subtitle players will be available for the hearing-impaired (reservation required).
【Tickets on sale from Sunday, September 9】
Reserved seats
Adult: 7,000 yen
65 and Over: 6,000 yen
25 and Under: 3,000 yen
High school student and under: 1,000 yen
*Preschoolers not permitted.
*High school student, 25 and Under and 65 and Over tickets are only sold at the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Box Office.
*For guest with disabilities: Discount tickets available. Please contact Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Box Office for more details.
*The program is subject to change.
・Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Box Office
TEL: 0570-010-296 (10:00-19:00 except when theater is closed)
*Cannot be used with certain telephones
Business hours: 10:00-19:00 except when theater is closed
・Ticket Pia (P-code:488-689)
TEL: 0570-02-9999 (24-hour Sound Automatic Correspondence)
Ticket Pia, Circle K Sunkus and 7-Eleven stores
・Lawson Ticket (L-Code:32331)
TEL: 0570-000-407 (Operator 10:00 – 20:00), 0570-084-003 (Sound Automatic Correspondence)
Loppi automatic ticket vendor at Lawson and MINISTOP stores
Fami Port automatic ticket vendor at Family Mart stores
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Box Office
(10:00-19:00 except when theater is closed)
TEL: 0570-010-296