
  • Finished

Komorebi-do furniture-making workshop: Let’s make a YATO activity base together!

  • Kids / Youth ,
  • Art Project ,
  • Workshop

Since the beginning of this year, YATO project organizers have gradually modified Komorebi-do at Ryoudenji Temple so children can come play here after school, and so it can be used as a venue for Yatokko domei* workshops.
This workshop is all about making box-shaped furniture for use at Komorebi-do. What we’ll be making might seem like nothing more than boxes, but these can be positioned and combined to use as chairs, shelving or other furniture, as well as a small stage.
The furniture will be made from the wood of a prickly castor oil tree aged about 1,000 years old which once grew in the forest around Ryoudenji but was felled by lightening several years ago.
Everyone who participates in the workshop will be able to call themselves a Yatokko Domei member!
The furniture participants make will go inside Komorebi-do.
Come along to Komorebi-do for workshops and other activities and use the furniture we made together!

*Yatokko domei is a scheme through which children encounter the history and culture of Tadao through participation in workshops given by artists and elderly people, with children and adults joining forces to develop new ways to play, and new opportunities to learn.
See our Facebook page to find out more about our activities.
If you’d like to take part in Yatokko domei activities or are otherwise interested, please see here for details.


Elementary school students (1st-6th grade) and their parents/guardians


5 parent and child pairs (First-come-first-served basis)

Participation fee

500 yen (workshop insurance included)
*You will not be able to take the furniture you made home with you. It will be placed in Komorebi-do.


  1. Using diagrams, participants will write the measurements on wooden boards.
  2. A member of staff will then use a circular saw to cut the boards into pieces (this stage is dangerous and will therefore be done by members of staff).
  3. Participants will then file the pieces of wood to remove rough bits left on the sawn surfaces.
  4. We’ll combine a short break with a walk to the place where the tree used to grow.
  5. Participants then put together the sections of wood using screws.
  6. We finish by branding the furniture with the YATO logo.

What to bring/wear
– Please bring a pair of work gloves and a drink for keeping hydrated.
– There will be a lot of sawdust and your clothes may get dirty, so please come in comfortable clothes which you don’t mind getting dirty.

How to apply

Please fill in the necessary items in the application form here and submit.
*Your personal information will be handled as strictly confidential and used only to send you information from the organizer about this event.

Application deadline
Friday, November 12, 2021 17:00


Design Office IMA


Project YATO Office


Ryoudenji Temple Komorebi-do


Organized by
Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), Toukoukai (social welfare corporation)