
  • Finished

Report Session

Based on the Tokyo Cultural Strategy 2030, we aim to strengthen Tokyo’s function as an international art hub with Tokyo as the center of the domestic and international art scene; a hub which maximizes Tokyo’s concentration of artistic and cultural resources and generates creativity with global appeal. To that end, Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture) initiated the Overseas Study Visit Program for Arts Management Professionals in 2023. This program entails sending young arts management professionals, who will in future play a role in connecting artists and society, on short term study visits to arts festivals etc., providing opportunities for them to create a network of people involved in arts and culture overseas as a first step to working on the world stage.

Following on from the previous year, a total of ten people participated in the 2024 program. Three were sent to the Venice Biennale, regarded as the world’s most important art exhibition and marking its 60th edition in 2024; three went to the Indonesian Dance Festival (Jakarta), Southeast Asia longest-running contemporary dance festival, as well as the Indonesian Dramatic Reading Festival (Yogyakarta), which presents cutting-edge plays from Indonesia and overseas; and four attended CINARS, an international performing arts platform held every two years in Montreal in Quebec, Canada.

In this Report Session, the ten participants who were selected for the program will report on their objectives for joining the program and activities at their destinations. We will discuss the results of the study trips together with all participants, including insights gleaned through direct contact with pioneering works from overseas and the international creative frontlines, on-site interviews, and details of exchange and interaction with people involved in the events.

*Photographs, sound and video recordings of this session will be taken for the purpose of the organizer’s publicity.
*Reports and articles will be made available on the Arts Council Tokyo website after the session.

Program (Schedule)

Open: 17:45
Start: 18:00

Part 1
Activity report by the ten program participants

Part 2
Round table discussion (interview)

20:00 Close


70 people(Advance reservations required/First-come-first-served basis)



How to reserve

Please fill out the form in the following link

Reservation deadline
Thursday, February 6 2025, 14:00

*Reception will close as soon as capacity is reached.
*Personal information supplied will be managed with the utmost care in accordance with the privacy policy of the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture. It will be used solely for the purpose of providing information and other communication in relation to this project.
*Please note event details are subject to change.


Overseas Study Visit Program for Arts Management Professionals Administrative Office


Arts Council Tokyo, 5th floor
(Kudan First Place 5F, 4-1-28, Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 〒102-0073)


Organized by
Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)