With respect for the world-famous Katsushika Hokusai at its core, the Hokusai Music Expo is a music program which gets children from the area around Sumida-ku (which is also Hokusai’s birthplace) to experience beautiful-sounding instruments from around the world; to learn their history, practice hard on them and perform a recital. By direct contact with music and the sound of instruments from all over the world from an early age, the children form an image of that place. The hope is for these children to keep hold of a little curiosity, and before they know it spread their wings like Katsushika Hokusai, and go on to make an impact on the world.
This program is intended to provide children with a diverse experience from the viewpoint of music. With a top-class musician as their teacher, the participating children will develop a musical performance as a team. Children who took part last year have continued to be active as a team since the recital ended, doing presentations at various events in areas around Sumida-ku, etc. By creating a point of contact between the community and children through music, this offers a new, locally-oriented style of music program that differs from the conventional music school model.
Made from oil drums that have been turned upside down and molded to produce different sounds, the steelpans are the last and best acoustic instrument to be created in the 20th century, having originated in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. Panorama Steel Orchestra, led by Japan’s leading steelpan expert Yoshihiro Harada, will assemble and teach a ten-member steelpan team.
Panorama Steel Orchestra
December 6 and 23 2015, January 17 and 31, February 6 2016
Time(each day): 16:00-18:00
Children will love shouting at the top of their voices, and feel cool dressed up as samurai lords. Through Edo-period gidayu music familiar from kabuki and bunraku, children will experience the wonderful feeling of singing from the belly, and the joy and beauty of the Japanese language. This year the challenge is to take on the “sambaso”, the famous gidayu programs which marks the opening of celebrations and auspicious occasions.
Kyonosuke Takemoto(gidayu), Yaya Tsuruzawa(gidayu shamisen)
December 6 and 23 2015, January 17 and 31, February 6 2016
Time(each day): 13:30-15:30
Elementary school students
Please apply via FAX, E-mail, or application form on the official website including the name of the participant, age, sex, the name of Parents/caregivers, address, home/mobile phone number, E-mail address, and preferred program(A/B).
November 5, 2015
*First-come-first-served basis
On the day of the performance at the Hokusai Music Expo, there also will be sound experience program, live performances by the instructors and more.
Date: Sunday, February 14 2016
Venue: Ekoin Nenbutsu Hall etc.
*The details will be announced later on the official website.
Please contact with Topping East office by the contact form on the official website.
December 6, 23, 2015, January 17, 31, and February 6, 2016
Topping East
(1F, 2-10-7 Honjo, Sumida-ku)