Satoru Saishu is one of the primary scholar of handycapped people. Saishu will comment at the publis event of “self-study”. Through “Self-study” socially handicapped youth will grasp their problem. Then they have collaboration with Moscow International Film School about drama show to public audience. This school share the same misson but is in different culture and society. This collaboration will bring other perspective and sympathetic attitudes. Junko Kurashina who has many experiences with handicapped people, women and aged people will advice these youth. The audience will also make their comments to the youth. All there experience will contirute decreasing the self-deial of these youth.
【Tokyo Shure/ Shure Univeristy】
Shure University is the newest department of Tokyo Shure. It is an alternative university. Youth older than seventeen who are experience school refusal, social withdrawal, autism spectrum, etc ask themselves who they are and try to create own ways of living through studying and expression activities here. They have difficulties to live. Self-denial is the basis of these difficulties. Through “auto-study” and expression activities, they try find out own ways of living.
Kageki Asakura
Staff/ Director
Tokyo Shure/ Shure University
28-27Wakamatsucho, Shinjuku, Tokyo
The Theatre of Shure Univeristy(Shinjuku City, Tokyo)