Premiered in Yokohama in October 2011, this 80-minute-long piece with Akira Kasai and Mitsutake Kasai joining four female dancers in their 20s was staged in two Italian cities. This work was created under the concept of connecting Japan and Italy, especially the island of Sicily.
Utsurobune – Il battello fantasma
Concept/direction: Akira Kasai
Performers: Mitsutake Kasai, Akira Kasai, others
Akira Kasai
Akira Kasai had close relations to Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno in 1960s and presented many solo shows. From 1979 to 1985 he studied abroad in Germany and researched the anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner and Eurhythmy. In 1994, he came back to the theater with his performance in Seraphita – Kagami no Seiki wo Motsu Watashi no Onna. From that time, he has continued to energetically perform many works in Japan and abroad.
Hisako Kasai
3-27-9 Nishimotomachi, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0023
Tel: +81-(0)42-316-3508
Accademia Nazionale di Danza, Roma, Italy
Villa Filippina, Palermo, Italy