This is the biggest annual music festival in Tachikawa area. By performing lives at open spaces, parks, storefronts, civic hall etc. with the cooperation of the shops, companies, and the city, it is possible to flood the music in the whole city and give the whole city a bustling atmosphere, and make performers and spectators feel together. During the two days of the event, more than 280 groups of 1,200 musicians and dancers selected by a public offering and screening perform live performances at about 30 venues all over Tachikawa city. In addition, one week prior to the festival, ‘Ittai week’ will be held and some of the musicians go to the elderly and welfare facilities to have a performance for the people who are not able to go to the event outside. At the civic hall, a concert of the Pacific Showcase from the United States Air Force will be held.
This event is a purely citizen-based operation, and the executive committee responsible for the operation is also a chairperson and most of the executives are volunteers, and it is also an artist who stands on the stage. The management staff of the day is also a volunteer by the open call for participants, and local residents from primary school children to the 70s participate, with 60,000 visitors.
Tachikawa Ittai Music Festival executive committee
It was launched in 2011 for the management of the Tachikawa Ittai Music Festival, with the aim of having everyone feel free to enjoy the music and love to Tachikawa, and with the aim of giving the city a liveliness. It consists local citizens, performers and music lovers from in and outside of Tachikawa city, as well as shopkeepers and the members of local JCI, and most of the committee members including the executive chair join as a volunteer and are artists who stand on the stage of the event. We establish the secretariat in Tachikawa Community and Culture Foundation.
Tachikawa Ittai Music Festival executive committee
3-3-20, Nishiki-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo
Tel: +81-(0)42-526-1312
Fax: +81-(0)42-525-6581
30 special stages around Tachikawa Station, the municipal parks, in and outside of large commercial facilities, department stores, civic hall, welfare facilities, etc.