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[The Non-existent Sculpture] online exhibition

  • Organization : Upload AIR
  • Section : None
  • Type of Grant Program : Single


The ‘The Non-existent Sculpture’ VR exhibition questions the concept of sculpture in virtual space and draws out the possibilities of sculpture that lie between traditional art conceptual images of material, method and form. The exhibition invites – HONORAT Luigi, ISAKA Shu, WASHIMI Yusuke and SHU Da, four artists with a sculptural production and thinking background. There are no physical or natural limitations that they are subjected to during production and exhibition, and all materials and spaces start from zero, presenting a sculptural experiment in VR. The structure of the exhibition is based on a pedestal motif, a monument commemorating the renewal of the sculptural concept as the main venue, and the opening and closing spaces are completed by the monument. In the exhibition space, viewers do not have avatars, but are guided through the exhibition space one after the other as non-existent guests. In the hallway space parallel to the exhibition space, just as the wall paintings in the ancient tombs show the activities of the spirit body, the ancient tombs guide non-existent audiences through the exhibition space.


【Upload AIR】


Upload AIR
E-mail: lijingwen7@uploadair.com


Online, datsuijo – (a) place to be naked, YAU STUDIO