On Japan’s lush island of Shikoku lies the heart of indigo blue culture, a century-old tradition on the brink of disappearing. Watanabe and Kato, two indigo dyers at the forefront of this art, embark on an inner journey; one discovering the meaning behind his own shade of blue, the other, gaining new perspectives from his colorblindness. Together, they delve into the art of indigo — harvesting, fermenting and dying leaves to the rhythm of Japan’s four distinct seasons. As their paths intertwine, we follow them on their journey as they uncover the emotional and physical transformations that shape the color of blue.
In her award-winning documentary film “The Shape of Blue”, director Sybilla Patrizia explores the meaning of color for human life through the lens of two Japanese craftsmen, blending documentary filmmaking with artistic expression.
This documentary short film was shown as a limited-time online screening in March 2024.
Sybilla Patrizia
Sybilla Patrizia is an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker and photographer based in Tokyo. In 2022, she shot ‘The Dark Side of Manga’, a VICE short doc on child abuse in Japanese manga which won an Emmy in 2023. At Tokyo Docs 2023, ‘The Shape of Blue’ was awarded Best Pitch Award, Sunny Side of the Doc Award, and DocedgeKolkata Award. ‘A Bloody Taboo’ about the stigma against menstruation in Japan, was awarded at Tokyo Docs and premiered at Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival in 2021.
Sybilla Patrizia
Director, Producer