
  • Finished

Festival/Tokyo 2012
F/T Main Program[Related Program]

  • Theater / Dance ,
  • Visual Art / Media Art ,
  • Art Project ,
  • Performance ,
  • Lecture / Symposium ,
  • Workshop

F/T Mob
The so-called “flash mob” phenomenon refers to happenings where unspecified groups of people use email, social networking sites or other means to collude in gathering together at a plaza, station, airport or other public space and performing a shared activity. The objectives are diverse, including art, advertising, demos and commemoration, but always momentarily transforming the city into an unconventional space, and stimulating our thoughts and feelings.
F/T Mob is a series of flash mob happenings every weekend during F/T12, each time organized by different artists. Participants will transform F/T’s home turf of Ikebukuro through unique movement and dance. All you need do is memorize the choreography that is released online beforehand and then gather at the location. (Of course, on the day itself passers-by may also find themselves joining in!) These performances be born out of the original ideas of the organizers and the physicality of the participants uniting as a single body, revealing a new artistic medium in the city that also envelopes the other people in the area.

10/27 (Sat), 10/28 (Sun): Jerome Bel
11/3 (Sat), 11/4 (Sun): Shigehiro Ide
11/10 (Sat), 11/11 (Sun): KENTARO!!
11/17 (Sat), 11/18 (Sun): Momoko Shiraga
11/24 (Sat), 11/25 (Sun): Shuji Onodera
Venue: Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Park and elsewhere

F/T Dialogue
Leading art and theatre critics, journalists and editors will be gathering at F/T to experience the program and discuss the works through their unique perspectives and methods. The participants will also invite the F/T artists, creative staff, professionals and regular audience members for talks and events, transforming F/T into a site of debate.
Hoo Kuan Cien [Singapore], Kyoko Iwaki [Japan], Atsushi Sasaki [Japan], Seno Joko Suyono [Indonesia], Hyunsuk Seo [Korea], Naoto Moriyama [Japan], Daisuke Muto [Japan], Mitsuru Yamamoto [Japan]

F/T Symposium
Bringing together artists, journalists and the Program Director, this is a series of discussion events crossing over between praxis and theory during the month-long F/T Program.
Schedule:November 20 (Tue) 14:00-21:00
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Symphony Space
Tickets: 500.
Online reservation required / max. 50 persons per session
Theme 1: “The Era of Involved Parties” in Theatre
Theme 2: Where is the Language of Theatre?
Theme 3: Plural Asia, Plural Perspectives

F/T Theatrotheque
A series of special film screenings giving audiences better understanding of performances featured in the main F/T Program. These films are particularly recommended for audiences for “Crisis Trilogy III: The Priestess”, and the Jelinek productions “Rechnitz (Der Wurgeengel)”, “Kein Licht.” and “Kein Licht II”.

F/T Station
F/T Station is F/T’s festival centre, a place for all visitors to drop by and interact with the programs. This year the Station will be based in the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, newly re-opened in September. Partnering with a range of facilities inside the venue, there will be an information booth, tickets on sale and even special events.
Schedule: October 27 (Sat) – November 25 (Sun), 2012
Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre

Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo Culture Creation Project / Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Festival/Tokyo Executive Committee
* Festival/Tokyo Executive Committee affiliated bodies: Toshima Ward, Toshima Future Culture Foundation, NPO Arts Network Japan


Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, LIBRO Ikebukuro Honten, Junkudo Honten, Aoyama Book Center Roppongi, etc.