In order to support creative activities that enhance the appeal of Tokyo’s arts and culture and communicate them to the world, artistic activities that promote local culture and traditional performing arts, and artistic activities that tackle various social and urban issues, we offer grant programs tailored to each purpose. In addition, we will provide multifaceted support enabling artists etc. to continue with and develop their activities. This will include offering comprehensive support information through consultation services and lecture programs related to artistic and cultural activities, as well as providing workspaces and opportunities for creation and presentation.
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Announcement: Participants (Talents) and Experts Announced for Talents Tokyo 2024, 15 projects selected for the “NEXT MASTERS SUPPORT PROGRAM”, an initiative to support the alumni
Tokyo Festival 2024 Offers Special Tour For Visitors To Enjoy Leading Japanese Contemporary Theater!“Tour to DISCOVER! Japanese contemporary performing arts in Tokyo”
Announcement: “Talents Tokyo 2024” Call for Entries opens from May 1 to 31!
Announcement: Participants (Talents) and Experts Announced for TALENTS TOKYO 2023, 12 projects selected for the “NEXT MASTERS SUPPORT PROGRAM”, an initiative to support the alumni
Announcement: “Talents Tokyo 2023” Call for Entries opens from May 1 to 31!
We will provide multifaceted support enabling artists and practitioners, to continue with and develop their activities. This will include offering comprehensive...