We carry out simple explanation about calligraphy and demonstration and you will experience the calligraphy at the venue besides a beautiful garden.
*Guidance is available in English.
*You can take the writing brushes home with you.
*We also offer postcards(used in the program), picture card, recycle writing paper (some of them are made from “white birch”) as your souvenir.
Please apply by the website “Apollon”, or telephone/e-mail of Tokyo tradition office, Arts Council Tokyo.
・Apollon:Access the website “Apollon” and reserve your ticket according to the guidance.
45 per workshop
*In case entering the garden, please pay the entrance fee at the garden entrance.
*The program contents may be subject to change.
Tokyo tradition office, Arts Council Tokyo (10:00~18:00)
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Monday(Holiday), 23 November 2015
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
*The time will change only on 24 November as below.
Taisho Kinenkan, located outside Kiyosumi Gardens