What we do

Koganei Artfull Action!

As the Koganei City Arts and Culture Promotion Project, Koganei Artful Action! aims to create an opportunity that citizens make new discovery and see own potential to seek enriched lifestyle from the encounter with arts. Citizens, students, artists, universities and public administrations share and collaborate in this process to empower citizens and facilitate the growth of organization.

The project hub is the “Koganei Art Spot Chateau ” 2F, which conducts the art project and promotes other hubs in the city in cooperation with the local residents, universities, elementary schools, citizens, public administrations and local community groups to develop the activities that we can grow together.


NPO Artful Action
Mail: artfullaction@gmail.com

Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo Culture Creation Project Office (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture),
NPO Artfull Action, Koganei City

Koganei City

Events Information