What we do

Art Support Tohoku-Tokyo

A project launched by Tokyo Metropolitan Government to support the disaster areas through artistic and cultural activities, Art Support Tohoku-Tokyo will join forces with local art NPOs, organizations, and coordinators to hold art programs in disaster-stricken communities and support the recovery of the diverse cultural environment in the area.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Tokyo Culture Creation Project Office (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)

Tohoku Area(Iwate / Miyagi / Fukushima Prefectrure)



  • 東日本大震災後、4年目の語り:7つのケース、宮城の9人の声の記録

    .PDF (30.8 MB)

  • 海辺の記憶をたどる旅[2013-2014]―つながる湾プロジェクト ドキュメントブック 改新

    .PDF (18.2 MB)