What we do

FY2023 Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT]

Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT] opened in October 2022 as an activity base for “civic creativity” where people can demonstrate their creativity in the community through the use of art and digital technology. Equipped with space that
includes a laboratory and a studio, the center will be a driving force for creating innovation from Tokyo through a variety of programs such as workshops.

【Core Programs】
CCBT Meetup: Building a community through holding talks and lectures about various topics related to art, technology, and design
Art Incubation: The largest artist fellowship in Japan, recruiting projects by artists to serve as CCBT partners
Art × Tech Lab: Workshops that harness digital fabrication equipment for learning art and technology hands-on
Future Ideations Camp: Camps where artists, engineers, researchers, and members of the public learn about art and technology, and engage with social issues


Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT] and others