As one of the cultural program for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Original Koto Ensemble Project aims to create koto-playing clubs for kids in local communities and schools, continue the lessons until 2020 in the club, and hold the performances of original koto-pieces in many place in Japan. The program aims not only showing the keeping and the succession of traditional culture of Japan by giving the opportunities for people coming from other countries to see Japanese traditional music through showing the children who are playing koto harder, but also to let foreign people have interests and ideas for all kinds of traditional cultures of Japan. Therefore, Nihon Sankyoku Association will be prepared the practice locations, instructors and instruments of koto. The Association has been planning to create the clubs at three places in Tokyo at the first year, and have more clubs from the next year.
【Nihon Sankyoku Association】
The Nihon Sankyoku Association has been established towards the promotion and promulgation of koto, shamisen and shakuhachi by facilitating exchanges between the various schools of these music.
Through these efforts, the Association aims to contribute to the promotion of Japanese traditional arts and the development of Japanese traditional music culture.
Counting four certified holders of important intangible cultural properties among its ranks, the Association is a home for numerous legendary performers from a wide array of the various schools. Membership of the Association stood at 5,280 in March 31st, 2016.
Yusuke Suzuki
Nihon Sankyoku Association
Peal Akasaka #403, 2-15-12, Akasaka, Minatoku, Tokyo 107-0052