Arakawa Africa is a comprehensive annual art event in Arakawa ward, Tokyo, consisting of exhibitions, artists’ talks and etc. Our aims are identifying African elements that exist in Arakawa through the lens of art, imagining Arakawa to be adjacent to Africa and enhancing cultural potential and capacities of each region together. This year we will hold “Artist in Residence”, the first attempt for Arakawa Africa, and we will invite an artist group “Masai Nbili” based in Kibera, Kenya ’s slum. By recreating their atelier while their staying in Arakawa-ward, they will create brand new art with elements of Arakawa, and by holding talk event, research and workshops, they will have interactive communication with the local residents, and by holding symposium to discuss the production and exhibition environment, AIR projects and community activities through art in their own country and Africa overall, we hope we can establish a creative relationship with not only residents in Arakawa-ward, but also artists in Japan.
【Arakawa Africa Executive Committee】
Arakawa Africa is a comprehensive annual art event started in 2010 in Arakawa ward, Tokyo, consisting of exhibitions, artists’ talks and etc. Our aims are identifying African elements that exist in Arakawa through the lens of art, imagining Arakawa to be adjacent to Africa and enhancing cultural potential and capacities of each region together.
Hideko Saito
Arakawa Africa Executive Committee
4-24-7 Higashi-ogu, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo
Tel: +81-(0)3-3893-0868
Fax: +81-(0)3-3893-0868
OGUMAG Gallery and other facilities in Arakawa City