What we do

Buongiorno! Shimin-Opera -"L'elisir d'amore"

  • Organization : Inagi Shimin Opera
  • Section : Support for Citizen-led Cultural Activities
  • Type of Grant Program : Single


The“Buongiorno! Shimin-Opera” project was launched under the concept of opening the door to a unfamiliar field, and providing audiences with the experience of a previously unknown world. With due consideration to coronavirus (COVID-19) infection prevention measures, this event gave participants a behind-the-scenes experience of opera through open rehearsals and online access, allowing them to enjoy hitherto unknown inside aspects of opera. The stage production for this event was a full-length performance of Donizetti’s “L’elisir d’amore.” The stage was set up in the orchestra section of the auditorium, and the entire hall made to resemble a public square, with the audience sharing the square where the action took place. In addition, the chorus was a collaborative arrangement with regional choral groups from Nagasaki and Fujinomiya, creating a community of multiple regions through the common language of music. Organizers plan to stream aspects of the event in a series of videos.


【Inagi Shimin Opera】
Founded in 2013 by Inagi resident and opera director Norio Baba with soprano Masumi Kawakami. The group’s debut production was a staging of the opera “La Traviata” in 2015. It was a great success with a full house. Since 2017 it has given annual opera performances in the form of “Die Fledermaus,” “Carmen,” and “La bohème,”all sold-out successes. The group has attracted attention as an organization implementing initiatives like workshops with the aim of creating chorus-driven independent productions.


Masumi Kawakami
Soprano singer
Inagi Shimin Opera
4-9-14, Hirao, Inagi-shi, Tokyo 206-0823
E-mail: b.g.civic.opera@gmail.com


Inagi-shi chuou bunka center hall, Inagi City, Tokyo