In this project, study groups and research meetings of “Facilitation of Co-creative Expression” were held online (free of charge) four times for each for the following two purposes.
・To develop human resources “Co-creative Expression Facilitators” who will expand the field of Co-creative Expression to the whole society, awaken the value of the expression to all people including those access to art is restricted, and strongly pursue the realization of a co-creative environment where people create and express together.
・To theorize practical knowledge accumulated through over 20 years of experience to appealing to society as an effective method for practice and creation at various sites.
Inclusive field for Dance since 1998
Established in 1998 by president Hiroko Nishi and six children with the aim of contributing to the realization of a tolerant and inclusive society through the implementation of activities and initiatives focusing on physical expression which everyone can enjoy together under mutual respect as individuals, regardless of gender, age or disability. Since 2020, 20 years after its establishment, the main purpose became to develop human resources for “Co-creative Expression Facilitators” who create an environment where people create and express together.
Hiroko Nishi
Inclusive Field for Dance since 1998