
  • Finished

Talents Tokyo 2018 Call for Entries

  • Visual Art / Media Art ,
  • Lecture / Symposium

Talents Tokyo, aka TT 2018, looks for budding Filmmakers or Producers from East Asia and Southeast Asia.

The event will take place at the Yurakucho Asahi Hall in Tokyo from November 19 to 24, 2018.

During the 19th TOKYO FILMeX held in November 2018, the 9th edition of the filmmaker development project “Talents Tokyo 2018″ will be conducted under the supervision of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), the Japan Foundation Asia Center and the Talents Tokyo Organizing Committee (TOKYO FILMeX), in cooperation with Berlinale Talents.

In these 8 years, more than 120 talented young Filmmakers and Producers from more than 10 Asian countries/region have participated in previous editions of this event.

We look forward to receiving the entries from young Filmmakers/ Producers in the making.

Application Guidelines

A) Qualification
Your application for Talents Tokyo will only be processed if you meet the following requirements:
a) You have an East-Asian / Southeast-Asian nationality or are residing in this region.
b) You are fluent in the English language.
c) You have not previously participated in past editions of Talents Tokyo (former name of Talent Campus Tokyo).
d) You fill out the application form correctly and entirely in English. In case you are selected as participant, please be aware that your data will be published on our website as provided by you.
e) You are a director and/or producer.
f) You have directed and/or produced max. 1-2 short and/or feature films.
g) You have submitted a complete application, including a sample of work.
h) You are able to attend during the whole period of the Talents Tokyo.
Please note that the application is individual. We cannot accept team applications. You must have obtained the consent of the other copyright owners for the use of the work sample submitted as stated below.

B) Application
The application consists of three parts

Part 1: Online application
First you must accept the conditions for participating in the Talents
Tokyo. You will then proceed to the online application form, which you
must complete in English.

*If your application profile is registered under another field of work than Director or Producer, please send us an email to before your application.

Part 2: Submit a sample of work
2.1 For Directors:
You have to send in ONE of the following items as a sample of your work.

Your film material should be max. 15 minutes in length. The sample can either be a film made specifically for the Talents Tokyo application, less than 15 minutes short film or an excerpt from some feature film which you worked for previously. The sample should be in English, or subtitled in English. It should highlight your creativity rather than a certain theme or topic (we do not recommend the trailer for a few minutes). Choose a clip that shows what you’re capable of professionally.
Technical specifications for films:
We prefer to receive your film via upload as a digital file. The file may not exceed 750 MB, and should be encoded as QUICKTIME (recommended format) or MPEG4, multiplexed (audio and video in one file)
*see the FAQ page regarding the samples.

2.2 For Producers:
Your sample of work should be a comprehensive report of the films you have produced so far. It should refer to the films’ production process: development, theatrical release, box office or participation in film festivals. The maximum length is 5 pages, in single PDF file.

Part 3: Project Presentation
The Talents Tokyo offers, in addition to the general program like lectures, screenings or master classes, a special ‘Project Presentation’ program.
This is an opportunity to try and learn how to present your project to industry professionals. We invite all applicants to present a project.

The project must be a feature (60 minutes or more in length) for theatrical release and suitable for an international co-production.
You have to fill out the online application form, and in addition upload a 5page treatment/synopsis for this feature in English, in single PDF document. If you are selected for the Talents Tokyo, you have to send us one page resume of the project till the first week of October for the Talents’ booklet.
*This ‘Project Presentation’ program is obligatory for the selected talents and they must prepare a first draft of the script available before the Talents Tokyo 2018 (mid-November, 2018).

Your application to the above-mentioned ‘Project Presentation’ program will not be further considered if you are not selected for the Talents Tokyo.

C) Further regulations
Participant’s film material or sample of work

1) The participant hereby agrees that his/her photograph and data may be published on the website and in the magazine of the Talents Tokyo as provided in the ‘Presentation’ area of the online application form.
(This can be customized by the participant at any time by logging into his/her profile.)

2) The participant agrees that his/her sample of work submitted to the Talents Tokyo may be shown publicly at the Talents Tokyo, and streamed on the website of the Talents Tokyo or related organizations and/or sponsors of the Talents Tokyo.

3) The participant agrees that the aforementioned use of his/her work may also include podcasting. This means that his/her work can be accessed and podcast and that he/she can access the works of other talents vice-versa.

4) The participant agrees that his/her submitted sample of work, may be published by the Talents Tokyo in full length or as an excerpt in print or television or any other multimedia format for promotional purposes of the Talents Tokyo.

5) The participant declares that he/she owns the copyright for the sample of work submitted, according to the relevant national and international regulations. This includes music and sound effects included in sample of work. He/she guarantees that no rights of third parties are violated by the material used in the film or other sample of work submitted. The participant unconditionally and irrevocably declares his/her copyright responsibility towards third parties in case of disputes over copyright violations. In this respect the participant exempts the Talents Tokyo from all claims by third parties.

6) The applicant agrees that his/her work can be presented to parties who are interested in the commercial exploitation of the short film or the work sample submitted. The Talents Tokyo will not negotiate any commercial exploitation of the submitted works without a written
agreement from the copyright holder.

Application deadline

The Talents Tokyo 2018 deadline is June 15, 2018, 23:59 Japan time.

Selection of participants

Participants will be selected at the sole discretion of the Talents Tokyo.
Applicants selected for participation will be informed by e-mail by end-September 2018 at the latest. The list of selected participants will be published on our website by this date. You can also consult your selection status anytime by logging into your online profile. There is no legal claim to participate in the Talents Tokyo.

Invitation & travel expenses

Successful applicants will be invited to Talents Tokyo.
For participants from outside Japan (see also a) below), the cost of one round-trip economy class air ticket from a major city in the participant’s country of residence to Tokyo and accommodation for 7 nights in Tokyo will be covered by the organizers.
For participants from Japan, only accommodation for 7 nights in Tokyo will be covered by the organizers (see also b) below).


ALL THE PARTICIPANTS will be required to stay at a hotel stipulated by the organizers. Rooms will be shared with several other participants.

a) For participants from outside Japan:
Organizers will cover only the following costs:
-one round-trip economy class air ticket from a major city in the participant’s country of residence to Tokyo.
-Per diem (tax included).
-Accommodation for 7 nights from Nov. 18th to 24th.

b)For participants from Japan: Organizers will cover only the following cost.
-Accommodation for 7 nights from Nov. 18th to 24th.
-Per diem (tax included).

* The participant CAN NOT extend his/her stay in Tokyo after the week of Talents Tokyo 2018.

Status of the participants

The accreditation allows you to participate in all events of Talents Tokyo.
As a registered participant of the Talents Tokyo 2018 you are automatically accredited to TOKYO FILMeX 2018 taking place in November 2018 (, and eligible to be provided with a limited amount of tickets for screenings, subject to availability.
After participating in Talents Tokyo, alumni will automatically become part of the worldwide Talents online community and will be able to easily connect to international alumni that participated in previous editions of the Campus International programs in Berlin, Guadalajara, Buenos Aires, Durban, Sarajevo and Beirut.


The Talents Tokyo offers, free of charge, a comprehensive program and many privileges to all participants. Your presence as a Talent on our website is a mark of distinction and a recommendation for film professionals throughout the world. In return we expect your cooperation and daily attendance at the Talents. The Talents Tokyo reserves the right to remove participants from the website who abuse their accreditation, who are repeatedly absent, or who make false statements.


The Talents Tokyo respects each person’s right to privacy. We do not buy or distribute personal information or your samples of work for commercial purposes. Your application data and your sample of work will be treated confidentially. The data are saved on the server of Berlinale Talents. Only the staff of the Talents Tokyo Organizing Committee (TOKYO FILMeX) and Berlin has access to your application data. If you are selected to participate in the Talents Tokyo, your profile data and your submitted sample of work, will be used as stated above (C 2-5).
In particular, it may be displayed in a database at the Talents Tokyo and on our website or related areas. The purpose is to improve communication between participants, experts and visitors. The purpose of this website is to encourage participants of the Talents Tokyo and Talents International programs from all areas of film and to inform the public at large about the Talents Tokyo. We appreciate our visitors, their comments, and their suggestions.

Governing law

For the avoidance of doubt, this agreement is governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Japan. In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement, exclusive place of venue shall be Tokyo.


Talents Tokyo, c/o TOKYO FILMeX office


Yurakucho Asahi Hall etc.


Organized by
Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), the Japan Foundation Asia Center and Talents Tokyo Organizing Committee (TOKYO FILMeX)
In cooperation with
Berlinale Talents
In collaboration with
Goethe Institute Tokyo and others