Kagurazaka Street Stage O-edo Tour 2022 is a two-day event giving a large trans-generational audience an accessible way to enjoy Japan’s foremost traditional performing arts, combined with the charms of Kagurazaka where the flavor of old Edo still lingers.
*We will announce program changes and cancellations on the official website and social media platforms (Twitter/Facebook).
“Otodama” Live Performance
Japanese music at a live house in Kagurazaka. Up-and-coming young Japanese traditional percussion units, Edo Hauta, which is also known as Japanese pop music of Edo period, and even the performance of folk songs and the Tsugaru-shamisen. Experience the diversity and possibilities of traditional music.
Venue: THEGREE (Registration in advance)
Starting at 14:30:
Performance by Chirikara IIIII (“Hogaku-Bayashi” Japanese traditional percussion)
Starting at 16:00:
Performance by Honjo Maruhide x Honjo Hideeiji (“Hauta” music)
Starting at 17:00:
Performance by Anmitsu (Tsugaru-shamisen)
Storytellers’ Theater – Bishamon-Tei
In the olden days, Storytellers’ Theaters were set up in the shrines and temples where people gathered, and were also a source of information and entertainment. The Storytellers’ Theater has now been recreated in the Shoin (study room) at Bishamonten Zenkoku-ji Temple. Enjoy the “Seasonal storytelling” told by the ’Kodan’ storytellers and Rokyoku performers.
Saturday, May 21 starting at 13:00 / 15:30
Venue: The Shoin (study room) at Bishamonten Zenkoku-ji Temple (Registration in advance)
Kanda Orine (“Koudan” storytelling)
Ichiryusai Teikyo (“Koudan” storytelling)
Takarai Umeyu (“Koudan” storytelling)
Tamagawa Nanafuku x Sawamura Mami (“Rokyoku” storytelling)
Bishamonten Zenkoku-ji Temple – Evening Concert
A super session experience, truly a fusion of different cultures – A collaboration between koto and contemporary dance, a “Kokyu” Japanese fiddle and other rubbed strings units from around the world. And the Shinnai Nagashi, a speciality of the ‘Kagurazaka Street Stage Oedo-Tour’, adds colour lighten-up to Kagurazaka at night.
Saturday, May 21 starting at 19:00
Venue: Bishamonten Zenkoku-ji Temple Grounds (Registration in advance)
McQueen-Tokita Miyama (Koto) x Madmoiselle Cinema (Contemporary dance)
Intercultural string orchestra (“Kokyu” Japanese fiddle x Erhu x Gadulka x Cello x percussion)
Tsuruga Isekichi and others (“Shinnai-bushi” music)
Cyril Coppini (Host)
“Kotohogi” Live Performance
Shamisen music ‘nagauta’ and ‘Tokiwazu-bushi’, which have been performed together with Kabuki, and ‘hyayashi’, a lively musical ensemble. And the one and only Tsugaru shamisen performance. Japanese music is performed together with the people gathered in the precincts of the shrine, wishing for happiness and peace in the world.
Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Kaguraden Stage (Registration in advance)
Starting at 13:30:
Yoshimura Isojiro Troupe (Nagauta) x Wakazishikai (“Hogaku-Bayashi” Japanese traditional percussion)
Starting at 15:00:
Tokiwazu Waei Dayuu Troupe (“Tokiwazu-bushi” Shamisen performance) x Wakazishikai (“Hogaku-Bayashi” Japanese traditional percussion)
Starting at 16:00:
Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Grounds
Seshami Street Boys (Tsugaru shamisen performance)
Tobaya Riseki (Host)
The beginning of Traditional Performing Arts
Traditional ‘Kamishibai’ (picture-cards shows), The Edo marionette group, and ‘Minna no Uta’ (sing-along songs) performed by the Tsugaru shamisen. Packed with Japan’s “Fun!” entertainment in 30-minute performance.
Saturday, May 21 starting at 13:00 / 15:00
Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Assembling area
*Registration will take place on the day. (Advance registration not required).
Shibuya Gagekidan (Picture-cards shows)
Kamijo Mitsuru (The Edo marionette group)
Anmitsu (Tsugaru-shamisen)
Let’s play! Japanese musical instruments
Learn how to play koto and shamisen, two of Japan’s most popular traditional instruments, will be taught their positioning and how to make sounds. Children and adults are welcome to attend.
Saturday, May 21 starting at 13:00
Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Assembling area
A big collection – Japanese musical instruments!
“Koto” Japanese harp, ‘Biwa’ Five-stringed Japanese lute, shamisen, “Kokyu” Japanese fiddle, “Shakuhachi” bamboo flute, Japanese flute, tsuzumi and “Taiko” Japanese drum… A wide range of traditional instruments that have played music in Japan. You can see them up close.
Saturday, May 21 starting at 13:00
Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Assembling area
Enjoy the video – ‘Kagurazaka Street Stage Oedo-Tour’,
In addition to a video introduction of the Kagurazaka neighbourhood by ambassador Robert Campbell, a digest video looks back at the recordings of the ”Kagurazaka Street Stage O-edo Tour” from 2014 onwards.
Saturday, May 21 starting at 13:00
Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Assembling area
Traditional Performing Arts Past and Present
Traditional arts from Kagurazaka’s representative stage, the Yarai Noh Theater, in the “Compare and Convince! series” from the Yarai Noh Theatre, a stage representing Kagurazaka. On the day 1, Joruri, which tells the story with the shamisen. The same stories are told in Osaka Gidayu-Bushi and Edo “Shinnai-bushi” music. And enjoy listening to a comparison of the various biwa instruments from the Heian period (794-1192) to the present day, which have changed “form” over the course of history and have been handed down to the present day.
Venue: Yarai Noh theater (Registration in advance)
Starting at 14:30 – Compare and Convince! The World of Joruri
Takemoto Kyonosuke × Tsuruzawa Kazu (Gidayu-bushi)
Tsuruga Isekichi x Tsuruga Iseichiro and others (“Shinnai-bushi” music)
Starting at 16:00 – Compare and Convince! The World of ‘Biwa’ Five-stringed Japanese lute
Nakamura Kahoru (Gaku Biwa)
Tanaka Naoichi (Heike Biwa)
Kubota Akiko (Satsuma Biwa)
Fujitaka Rieko (Chikuzen Biwa)
Cyril Coppini (Host)
“Otodama” LIve Performance
Various musical genres, “approached accross times” based on tradition. The leading artists of these genres will be gathered here. You can enjoy a super session of shamisen music, koto music, which is also associated with Kagurazaka, as well as Japanese flute, “Taiko” Japanese drum and piano.
Venue: THEGREE (Registration in advance)
Starting at 13:00:
Hiyama Umekichi (“Zokkyoku” music)
Starting at 15:00:
Okamura Shintaro + Okamura Ai (“Soukyoku” Japanese harp)
Starting at 17:00:
Akiyoshi Sarah (“Shinobue” and “Kagurabue” Japanese bamboo flute) x Sugiura Hideaki (Piano) x Otawa Masaki (“Taiko” Japanese drum)
Storytellers′ Theater – Bishamon-Tei
In the olden days, Storytellers’ Theaters were set up in the shrines and temples where people gathered, and were also a source of information and entertainment. The Storytellers′ Theater has now been recreated in the Shoin (study room) at Bishamonten Zenkoku-ji Temple. Let’s enjoy the skills of the ’Kodan’ storytellers and Rokyoku performers who have been practicing the art of storytelling.
Sunday, May 22nd starting at 13:30 / 16:00
Venue: The Shoin (study room) at Bishamonten Zenkoku-ji Temple (Registration in advance)
Ichiryusai Teikitsu (“Koudan” storytelling)
Takarai Kinkaku (“Koudan” storytelling)
Tanabe Ginya (“Koudan” storytelling)
Azumaya Ichitaro + Azumaya Mitsu (Rokyoku)
The beginning of Traditional Performing Arts
Traditional ‘Kamishibai’ (picture-cards shows), The Edo marionette group, and ‘Minna no Uta’ (sing-along songs) performed by the Tsugaru shamisen. Packed with Japan’s “Fun!” entertainment in 30-minute performance.
Sunday, May 22 starting at 13:00 / 15:00
Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Assembling area
*Registration will take place on the day. (Advance registration not required).
Shibuya Gagekidan (Picture-cards shows)
Kamijo Mitsuru (The Edo marionette group)
Akiyoshi Sarah (“Shinobue” and “Kagurabue” Japanese bamboo flute)
Let’s play! Japanese musical instruments
Learn how to play koto and shamisen, two of Japan’s most popular traditional instruments, will be taught their positioning and how to make sounds. Children and adults are welcome to attend.
Sunday, May 22 starting at 13:00
*Registration will take place on the day. (Advance registration not required).Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Assembling area
A big collection – Japanese musical instruments!
“Koto” Japanese harp, ‘Biwa’ Five-stringed Japanese lute, shamisen, “Kokyu” Japanese fiddle, “Shakuhachi” bamboo flute, Japanese flute, tsuzumi and “Taiko” Japanese drum. … A wide range of traditional instruments that have played music in Japan. You can see them up close.
Sunday, May 22 starting at 13:00
Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Assembling area
Enjoy the video – ‘Kagurazaka Street Stage Oedo-Tour’
In addition to a video introduction of the Kagurazaka neighbourhood by ambassador Robert Campbell, a digest video looks back at the recordings of the ”Kagurazaka Street Stage O-edo Tour” from 2014 onwards.
Sunday, May 22 starting at 13:00
Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Assembling area
Traditional Performing Arts Past and Present
On the day 2, traditional performing arts to be enjoyed on the Noh stage, which is listed on Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Starting with “Gagaku” ancient court music and “Bugaku” ancient court dance music, which were loved by the aristocrats of the Heian period, through Noh, which has been handed down since the Middle Ages, to “Nihon-Buyo” (Japanese dance), which was born in the modern period. The program traces the history of Japanese physical expression.
Venue: Yarai Noh theater (Registration in advance)
Starting at 13:00 Compare and Convince! Japanese traditional dance
Reigakusha Group (“Gagaku” ancient court music / “Bugaku” ancient court dance music)
Starting at 15:00 Compare and Convince! Japanese traditional dance
Ichiyama Shosen and others (“Nihon-Buyo” Japanese dance) x Kiyomoto Baijudayu x Kiyomoto Shiyo (“Kiyomoto-bushi” shamisen performance)
Starting at 17:00 Compare and Convince! Japanese traditional dance
Kanze Kyukokai (Noh)
Geisha / Traditional Performing Artists Live Performance
After watching the singing, shamisen and dancing of the glamorous Kagurazaka’s Geishas, you will be introduced to the Ozashiki Asobi (Traditional Japanese Parlor Games). You can enjoy the atmosphere of ‘Ozashiki Asobi’, a unique Japanese form of hospitality by the world of geisha, in the hall of a time-honoured kappo restaurant.
Sunday, May 22 starting at 13:00 / 14:00 (Registration in advance)
Venue: “Shimakin”
Kagurazaka’s Geishas
Cyril Coppini (Host)
Deities Enjoyment Live Performance
Mixture of traditional music arrangements and original pieces performed by a unit of classical Japanese instruments and the different genres will pleasantly enchant the audience in the fresh green ground of the temple.
Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Grounds (Registration in advance)
Starting at 13:00:
NADESHIKO J ENSEMBLE (“Shakuhachi” bamboo flute + “Koto” Japanese harp + 17strings “Koto” Japanese harp)
Starting at 14:30:
Naoyuki MANABE GAGAKU Ensemble (“Sho” woodwind instrument + “HIchiriki” double reed Japanese flute + Japanese flute)
Starting at 16:00:
Oyama Yutaka (Tsugaru shamisen) × Sato Yoshiaki (Accordion)”
Evening Live Performances
The best of traditional music performed under the evening twilight sky. Female players of Nagauta shamisen & “Hogaku-Bayashi” Japanese traditional percussion perform a medley of masterpieces from kabuki and “Nihon-Buyo” (traditional Japanese dance). This program finally wraps up the two-day festival with lively “Edo-Daikagura” Japanese traditional juggling and lion dance, and “Tezuma” Japanese traditional magic.
Sunday, May 22 starting at 17:30
Venue: Akagi-jinja Shrine Kaguraden Stage (Registration in advance)
Maruichi Senoh Troupe (“Edo-Daikagura” Japanese traditional juggling and lion dance)
Tsuruga Isekichi and others (“Shinnai-bushi” music)
Fujiyama Taiju (“Tezuma” Japanese traditional magic)
Tobaya Riseki Troupe (Nagauta shamisen ) x Mochizuki Harumi Troupe (“Hogaku-Bayashi” Japanese traditional percussion)
Cyril Coppini (Host)
Kagurazaka Time Slip Stamp Rally / History Guides
Let’s start once you get a stamp rally map. Grab a commemorative gift after visited six stamp spots and collected stamps, receive the gift at Bishamonten Zenkokuji Temple. Access the QR codes placed at each historical guide spot with your smartphones, then listen to audio guides by Kokontei Kikunojo, “Rakugo” storyteller and Kanda Orine, “Koudan” storyteller.
This is a great opportunity for visitors to learn more about the history of Kagurazaka and Soseki Natsume’s association with the area while listening to Edo storytelling. Listening with earphones is recommended.
Sunday, May 22 11:30 til 16:00 (by 16:30 for Souvenir gift exchange)
Stamp Rally (collecting stamps on a card while visiting the different location spots)
Bishamonten Zenkoku-ji Temple (Souvenir gift exchange), Kosho-ji Temple, Enpuku-ji Temple, Akagi-jinja Shrine, Jinai Park, Karuko-zaka slope”
History Guides:
“Spot to historical places of interest” guided by Kokontei Kikunojo, “Rakugo” storyteller
Bishamonten Zenkoku-ji Temple, Kosho-ji Temple, Enpuku-ji Temple, Akagi-jinja Shrine, Jinai Park, Kaguragashi and Karuko-zaka slope, Geisha-shinmichi, Tokyo Kagurazaka Association – Kenban
Audio guide Kokontei Kikunojo (“Rakugo” storyteller)
“Spots Associated with Soseki” guided by Kanda Orine, “Koudan” storyteller
Bishamonten Zenkoku-ji Temple, Jinai Park, Karuko-zaka slope, Jizo-zaka slope and Waradana
Audio guide Kanda Orine (“Koudan” storyteller)
Registration in advance (*Except some programs)
Please see the official website for the detail about registration.
Kagurazaka Street Stage O-edo Tour 2021 Office (inside Koten Kukan Office)
TEL: 03-5478-8265
Saturday, May 21, 2022, 13:00- / Sunday, May 22, 2022, 11:30-
*To be carried out rain or shine but will be cancelled in the case of a stormy weather.
Kagurazaka area (Bishamonten Zenkoku-ji Temple, Akagi-jinja Shrine, Yarai Noh Theater, Shimakin, THEGLEE, and others)