
  • Finished

Workshop series to consider about “care” through theater

  • Art Project ,
  • Workshop

Workshops themed around “moya moya” (exasperation, anxiety) of people involved in the care of children

The environment surrounding children has become increasingly harsh, and it is not uncommon for children themselves to feel suffocated or to feel unresolved anxiety. Adults involved in the care of these children – staff members at care facilities and related organizations, guardians and foster parents etc. – also face a variety of difficulties in their work with them. However, because they are so focused on what is right in front of them, they tend to put off their own welfare and think that adults don’t need care.
It also seems there are more than a few people who go through life on a daily basis with no opportunity to deal with their unresolved “moya moya.” At times like these, it is actually very important to have the opportunity to stand back a little, watch and listen to other people’s stories with regard to incidents and “moya moya” in the course of everyday life working with or looking after children.
In this workshop, together with participants we will read stories, experience forum theater (a form of theatre that encourages audience interaction and explores different options for dealing with a problem or issue) , and attempt to turn this into theatrical form without straying far from everyone’s “moya moya.” Through these elements, we hope to create an opportunity for participants to think about “care” including care of ourselves.
Theater is a tool for people to acquire new awareness and perception. You might gain new insights in an enjoyable and fun way by moving your body and using your head to take a fresh look at reality as well as yourself, and by expressing what you discover as a result, and communicating it to others.
(Reference: from the “Engeki Design Guild” website)
Through the workshops, those of us who involved with looking after children in a variety of ways will have the opportunity to share our experiences and think as we encounter each other, connect in a leisurely and informal manner, move our bodies, and interact together. We hope these workshops will enable each participant to develop a slightly different perspective than before on the “moya moya” they feel in their daily life and work.
Why not join the others participating in these workshops to think about these issues together in a different way than usual, while you move your hands and bodies?

Because “care” means caring for, looking after, and helping somebody, it is something we do on a daily basis. A newborn baby will die if left alone. From the moment we are born we all receive some sort of care over our lives. Because care is something that spans our lifetimes from childrearing to care of the elderly and end-of-life care, care is relevant to everyone. Up until now care has been seen primarily as a woman’s job, but actually it concerns everyone: women, men and those who identify as neither.

About “care” : Setsu Hanasaki

Because “care” means caring for, looking after, and helping somebody, it is something we do on a daily basis. A newborn baby will die if left alone. From the moment we are born we all receive some sort of care over our lives. Because care is something that spans our lifetimes from childrearing to care of the elderly and end-of-life care, care is relevant to everyone. Up until now care has been seen primarily as a woman’s job, but actually it concerns everyone: women, men and those who identify as neither.

Care work, such as childrearing and care of the elderly, has traditionally been seen as the responsibility of family members and not something directly connected to making money to enrich the economy. Hence its meaning and value have not been sufficiently acknowledged. Talking about care is very important, but people have sometimes been ignored or even told it is something they shouldn’t talk about. This results in caregivers’ “moya moya” increasing. On top of that, the coronavirus pandemic essentially reduced the chances of meeting in person, and opportunities to chat with fellow caregivers and listen to what experienced people have to say has dropped off considerably. This has made things rather difficult.

I don’t think childrearing or care of the elderly can or should be done by one person or one family. We are talking about human interaction, so things do not go as expected, and it is a given that things don’t go as expected. The other person is after all different from you. You may have lots of problems, but I think it is vital not to have them alone.

In any case, we should talk about care more. Care work is sometimes performed professionally, and also often handled by family members, people close by, and people you have a connection to. Either way, people tend to think it is difficult to talk about because it involves personal matters. All the more reason therefore to share our experiences, communicate our feelings, and exchange our wisdom with regard to creating a safe and secure environment, giving consideration to privacy and providing care that supports people’s lives as human beings. By expressing ourselves in a variety of ways rather than just talking, I hope we can discover new perspectives, and uncover meaning and value in care which we weren’t aware of before.


Adults involved in the care of children (staff members at care facilities/organizations, guardians and foster parents, etc.)

Those who would like to join workshop instructors and other participants in considering the “moya moya” they feel themselves, and the issue of care in terms of their own involvement caring for children.

*It does not matter if you were involved in caring for children in the past. No theater experience required. People who have never had contact with theater are very welcome.

Workshop instructors

Setsu Hanasaki (Theater practitioner, Noguchi Taiso instructor)
Takumi Matsumura (Flute player, composer)

Workshop dates/times

To be held from September 2023 (total 5 workshops)
Friday course: 18:30 – 20:30
September 8,2023 KF Machikado Hall
October 20,2023  Musashino Civic Cultural Hall
November 17,2023 Musashino Civic Cultural Hall 
December 8,2023 KF Machikado Hall
January 12,2024 to be scheduled

Saturday course: 9:30 – 11:30
September 2,2023 Koganei Kankyo gakushukan
October 28,2023  Musashino Civic Cultural Hall
November 4,2023 Musashino Civic Cultural Hall
December 2,2023 Koganei Kankyo gakushukan
December 23,2023 Koganei Kankyo gakushukan

※If you sign up for one course, you can join the other course at any time.

Workshop venues

・Musashino Civic Cultural Hall(13minutes waik from JR Mitaka station)
・KF Machikado Hall(5minutes walk from JR Yaho station)
・Koganei Kankyo gakushukan(8minutes walk from JR Musashi-koganei station) etc.

Workshop titles

Workshop 1: Nice to meet you/getting to know each other

Workshop 2: Expressing “moya moya” with the body

Workshop 3: Putting “moya moya” into words

Workshop 4: Giving shape to problems

Workshop 5: Considering problems

*Courses A and B will be conducted with the same themes.

Participation fee



15 people per course
*If possible, participants should be able to take part in all workshops on the course (please consult us if this is going to be a problem).

How to apply

Please apply via the application form or from FAX.

1. Application form

If applying by FAX, please include your
(2)Email address
(3)Preferred course (please choose one)

And please tell us briefly about your
(4)Involvement in caring for children (for example as staff members at care facilities and organizations, as guardians and foster parents, etc.)(Optional response)
(5)Reason for applying
(6) Any concerns about participating or anything you would like to tell the organizers or instructors. (Optional response)

Send to FAX :042-316-7236

Application deadline

Within Monday, August 14, 2023


Artfull Action(NPO)
KOGANEI ART SPOT Chateau2F, Chateau Koganei 6-5-3 Honmachi, Koganei City, Tokyo 184-0004
FAX: 042-316-7236


・Musashino Civic Cultural Hall
(13minutes waik from JR Mitaka station)
・KF Machikado Hall
(5minutes walk from JR Yaho station)
・Koganei Kankyo gakushukan
(8minutes walk from JR Musashi-koganei station) etc.



Organized by
Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), Artfull Action!(NPO)