What we do

Disability and Performing Arts Study Group

In the second half of FY2015, Arts Council Tokyo started a support program called the Social Grant. This program provides financial support for independent artistic activities by people with disabilities, seniors, children, young people, and foreign residents, as well as for pioneering artistic activities aimed at addressing and improving a variety of social and urban challenges.

Because the Social Grant is a new system and there are few precedents of public subsidies for artistic activities that contribute to social inclusion, it is necessary to verify whether we as the support organization have an accurate grasp of the needs of practitioners, and whether support translates to a valid and effective scheme on the ground.
Furthermore, while art brut and other art activities by people with disabilities have a high profile in the leadup to 2020, visibility for the many excellent practices in the field of performing arts has not been easy to bring about, and there is not enough support in place.
Accordingly, since 2016 we have been bringing together people from among the organizations eligible for the Social Grant, predominantly those in the performing arts field, and holding the Disability and Performing Arts Study Group. The three objectives of the Study Group are as follows.

  1. To exchange opinions with practitioners in order to update and improve the system for the Social Grant (and other grant programs)
  2. To build a network between organizations to exchange information and share challenges
  3. To engage in discussion to formulate project proposals and policy recommendations for 2020

In addition, from amongst the groups eligible for the Creation Grant, a program providing support for the creative activities of artists and enhancement of their working environment, we have brought together performing arts practice organizations that tackle social challenges. The Study Group has attracted a total of 22 groups active in this field, making it a major platform. Here we introduce the participating organizations in the Study Group, and provide an outline and the minutes of each session.

Satsuki Yoshino (Associate Professor, Media Arts, Faculty of Letters, Aichi University)

Shoko Sano (Senior Program Officer (Theater and Social Grant), Planning & Grants Division, Arts Council Tokyo)

Participating organizations: Total of 22 groups
ABLE ART JAPAN http://www.ableart.org/
Creative Art Executive Committee http://www.musekk.co.jp/
Sign Art Project.AZN http://www.sapazn.jp/
NPO Theatre Accessibilty network (TA-net) http://ta-net.org/
Theatre Planning Network http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~tpn/index2.html
Senior Theatre Network http://s-engeki.net
SLOW MOVEMENT Committee http://www.slowlabel.info/
DDD Project (General Incorporated Association being there/Representative: Miyuki Tanaka) 
Japanese Theatre of the Deaf (Totto-kikin) http://www.totto.or.jp/
Inclusive Field for Dance https://www.inclusive-dance.org/
Media Access Support Center (MASC) http://npo-masc.org/

(Participating as observers were the following)
Junko Kurashina (Yamanote Jijosha Company, Nicochan no Kai) http://www.nicochan.jp/category/art/
Kazuyo Morita (Actor/dancer, leader of CONVEY, Director of P’spot14) http://www.convey-art.com/
OFFICE LOU http://www.lou.co.jp/

(Participating organizations since 2017 are as follows)
Kita Noh Theatre (Roppeita XIV Commemorative Foundation) http://kita-noh.com/
Sokerissa (AOKIKAKU) http://sokerissa.net/
Dialogue Japan Society http://www.dialogue-japan.org/
JIENKYO Japan Union of Theatre Companies for Children and Young People http://www.jienkyo.or.jp/
Japan Philharmonic Orchestra https://www.japanphil.or.jp/
Gayagaya Club
Sokkyou-karameru-dan http://improkarame.blogspot.jp/

Outline of Disability and Performing Arts Study Group sessions

(Held at Arts Council Tokyo Conference Room)

Session 1: Monday, May 16, 2016 14:00 – 17:00
(Agenda) Outline of the Study Group’s aims and purpose, introduction to activities of participating organizations (1), exchange of opinions/ideas
Minutes for Session 1(PDF)
Minutes for Session 1 (summary)(PDF)

Session 2: Monday, June 20, 2016 14:00 – 17:00
(Agenda) Introduction to activities of participating organizations (2), listening to opinions/requests regarding the Social Grant and Creation Grant systems, exchange of opinions/ideas
Minutes for Session 2(PDF)
Minutes for Session 2 (summary)(PDF)

Session 3: Monday, August 1, 2016 14:00 – 17:00
(Agenda) Introduction to activities of participating organizations (3), information on the 2020 Cultural Program, exchange of opinions/ideas
Minutes for Session 3(PDF)
Minutes for Session 3 (summary)(PDF)

Session 4: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 14:00 – 17:00
(Agenda) Report on visit to London’s Unlimited 2016 festival, exchange of opinions/ideas
Minutes for Session 4(PDF)
Minutes for Session 4 (summary)(PDF)

Session 5: Monday, December 12, 2016 14:00 – 17:00
(Agenda) Report on the Rio Paralympics Closing Ceremony and Shin-Toyosu Brillia Running Stadium opening and vision for the future (Yoshie Kurisu, Committee Chairman, SLOW MOVEMENT Committee), exchange of opinions/ideas

Session 6: Monday, March 6, 2017 14:00 – 17:00
(Agenda) Case studies of overseas performing arts works by and for people with disabilities (Lecturer: Masahiko Yokobori), exchange of opinions/ideas
Minutes for Session 6(PDF)
Minutes for Session 6 (summary)(PDF)

Session 7: Friday, December 1, 2017 13:00 – 16:00
(Agenda) Introduction to activities of participating organizations (4), Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s “Arts Support Tokyo” program to promote and support cultural activities for people with disabilities (Totto-kikin), introduction to a public call for project proposals for Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL, exchange of opinions/ideas
Minutes for Session 7(PDF)
Minutes for Session 7 (summary)(PDF)

Session 8: Thursday, February 1, 2018 14:00 – 17:00
(Agenda) Discussion towards the realization of future projects/programs (1)

Session 9: Monday, February 26, 2018 14:00 – 17:00
(Agenda) Discussion towards the realization of future projects/programs (2)


Organized by
Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)