Gathered together for this mini-festival are physical and live-performance expressions in all genres – dance, theater, music, art – selected on the basis of their groovy energy and liveliness, and the way they epitomize the creative expression of the here and now.
Trying something new this time, organizers have made the band Core of Bells the pivotal artists for the whole event. The rest of the performer lineup comprises artists from various genres, related or unrelated to the band, and all program items will be configured as collaborations with the band in some way or other, albeit with contrasting styles.
AZUMABASHI Dance Crossing
Since mini-festival AZUMABASHI Dance Crossing began in 2004 as a bringing-together of pioneering physical expression, it has taken on the role of a so-called scramble crosswalk, allowing artists normally active in their respective genres to “cross paths” and interact at Asahi Art Square at the foot of Azumabashi bridge.
ASAHI ART SQUARE (Sumida City, Tokyo)