Anyango, a Japanese woman who is recognized as the world’s first female player of the traditional Kenyan string instrument the nyatiti, is conducting a tour of the EU, opening with performances in Paris and Dijon.
Furusato (Monbusho Shoka)
Maruki-bune / Lemon bayashi (Tokyo Metropolitan Government-designated Intangible Folk Cultural Properties / traditional folk songs of Ogasawara Island)
Jaugenya (traditional Kenyan piece)
Nabede nade gijo pinje (traditional Kenyan piece), others
Anyango is the world’s first female nyatiti player. The nyatiti is a traditional instrument of Luo tribe in Kenya. The harp-like instrument has traditionally been played only by men in the tribe. “Anyango” means “girl born in the morning” in Dholuo.
Bellevilloise / Le China / STUDIO CAMPUS / Quartier de Bercy Village / Satellit cafe (Paris, France)