This was the fifth instalment in the Noh performance series Miito-no-kai, which focuses on female Noh actors from the Komparu School. The main program featured Noh “Tomoe” with Misa Hayashi, as well as the Shimai “Tohboku kiri” with Kiyomi Muraoka, and Maibayashi “Matsumushi” with Mayuko Kashiwazaki. Not only were the “shite” principle actors women, but also the chorus. In addition, Norikazu Komparu, the 81stand Masato Kodera of the taiko Kanze school performed an Icchou (with drums and utai recitation only), a section that does not feature in regular Noh performances.
A Noh performance group established in 2016 by three female No actors from the Komparu School, Kiyomi Muraoka, Mayuko Kashiwazaki and Misa Hayashi.The group plans and promotes performances centering on female Noh artists.
Kiyomi Muraoka: studied under Tsunao Yamai and Yasuaki Komparu, the 80th
Mayuko Kashiawazaki: studied under Yasuaki Komparu, the 80th and Masa Takahashi.
Misa Hayashi: studied under the late Rihou Senda, Hachiro Tsujii and Yasuaki Komparu, the 80th
Cerulean Tower Noh Theatre, Shibuya City, Tokyo