What we do


  • Organization : noruha
  • Section : Project on planning and producing focus
  • Type of Grant Program : Long
  • Art Forms : Theater

Outline of the project

With its studio and fee-based web magazine as platforms, theater project collective noruha provides public access to normally unseen aspects such as the process of creation by multiple artists, experimentation with ideas, images/video of interaction etc. Based on each artist’s individual interests and awareness of the issues, the artists stimulate and inspire each other as they interact, and through repeated and specific efforts explore methods of expression that go beyond conventional techniques. Through these activities, noruha aims to create new discourse that will reform the significance of art and culture in contemporary society.

Year 1 project outline
(1)Activity report session
Details: Participating artists will hold an activity report session every six months to present the progress of activities conducted at studio noruba. The first report session will be held in December and covered activities between April – December 2021, the studio’s soft opening period. After that, based on the first activity report session, noruha will continue with activities for half a year and hold the second activity report session in June. Between the two sessions, in addition to the publication of a free paper detailing interim progress, there will be gatherings open to external attendees and activities with invited guests as required.

Date/time: Saturday, December 4, 2021 – Sunday, June 26, 2022 (Scheduled)
Venue: noruba (Arakawa-ku, Tokyo), BUoY (Adachi-ku, Tokyo) (Scheduled)

Year 2 Project Outline
(1)Activity report session
Details: Based on the activities of the first year, participating artists will be split into multiple teams to continue with activities, and the results will be presented at June’s activity report session. In addition, noruha will start a series of reviews/criticism in the web magazine.

Date/time: Monday, June 19, 2023 – Sunday, June 25, 2023 (Scheduled)Venue: noruba (Arakawa-ku, Tokyo), BUoY (Adachi-ku, Tokyo) (Scheduled)

(2)Regular presentations (provisional)
Details: Each team will create a performance, lecture etc. and present them on a rotating basis every two months. Based on the interests and awareness of the issues as visualized by each artist in the activities of the first year, these will be incorporated as concrete forms of expression for the conducting of dialogue and activities.

Date/time: Saturday, October 8, 2022 – Saturday, April 8, 2023 (Scheduled)
Venue: BUoY (Adachi-ku, Tokyo) (Scheduled)

(3)Special contents (provisional)
Details: Each team will invite guests from outside to the studio for lectures, introductions to guest activities, talks, etc.

Date/time: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 – Monday, May 15, 2023 (Scheduled)
Venue: noruba (Arakawa-ku, Tokyo) (Scheduled)

Year 3 Project Outline

(1)Final activity report session
Details: Based on two years of activities, an external collaborator will be selected for each team with the aim of working together for a year and creating works. The interests and awareness of the issues that each participant has deepened and developed, including research, events, and lectures with invited guests, will be linked to concrete actions. At the last report session, these final results will be presented using all kinds of methods such as performances, lectures, exhibitions, etc. At the same time, noruha will produce a booklet summarizing the three years of the “noruba” project.

Date/time: Monday, June 17, 2024 – Sunday June 23, 2024 (Scheduled)
Venue: noruba (Arakawa-ku, Tokyo), BUoY (Adachi-ku, Tokyo) (Scheduled)


Formed in 2008 as sons wo: and renamed in 2018, this theater project regularly stages works by Kishodai Kageyama, who divides his time between the two cities of Tokyo and Hamamatsu. In 2013 he took part in the Festival / Tokyo13 Emerging Artists Program. Recent works include “Chasing Waterfalls” (2020-2021), “The Good Morning Club” (2020) and “City III” (2017). Awards include the 17th Aichi Arts Foundation Drama Award in 2017.

