What we do

Can you play the shamisen in 3 months? + Nagauta guide that you can understand even for the first time

  • Organization : General Incorporated Association Tamanookai
  • Section : None
  • Type of Grant Program : Single


Hands-on experience event
Nagauta shamisen

Number of practical skill sessions per participant (including presentation/rehearsals for presentation)
7 sessions

Principal instructor
Katsukunio Kineya (Nagauta shamisen)

Event features
Aimed at beginners, this event will see participants start by learning basic playing techniques. At the presentation, participants will take on the challenge of playing shamisen duets, an approach with which even beginners unfamiliar with traditional Japanese music will find it easy to engage. Participants will also watch a performance with accompanying commentary (Nagauta guide), which will start by explaining the historical and cultural background to Nagauta, so that participants can learn how to appreciate this artform.

Publicity methods for the recruitment of participants (collaboration, cooperation, networking, etc.)
With the support of Chiyoda City Management Foundation flyers will be distributed to facilities in the city.

Ways to enable participants to continue with practical skills experience (other than programs covered by this grant) after the end of the event
After the program ends, it will be possible to provide those wishing to continue learning with information about classes held by the instructor and Tamanookai representatives.


Ippann Shadan-houjin Tamanookai (General Incorporated Association Tamanokai)
Edo Nagauta Gohiikishu, a club based in Tokyo’s Chiyoda City, was set up in 2018 to contribute to urban development by using shamisen as a communication tool. The group organized hands-on shamisen workshops for beginners with the objective of promoting awareness and greater involvement with Nagauta shamisen on the part of the public, as well as undertaking collaborations with rakugo performances and events focused on exploring the neighborhood on foot. In 2021, Tamanookai was established to take over the activities of Edo Nagauta Gohiikishu. With Nagauta shamisen as its primary focus, the association undertakes activities aimed at passing on Japanese culture and knowledge to future generations.


Katsukunio Kineya
Representative Director
General Incorporated Association Tamanokai
Tel: +81-(0)90-6126-5100
E-mail: info@tamanoo.site


Kanda Myojin Cultural Exchange Center B1F EDOCCO STUDIO, Chiyoda City, Tokyo