What we do

General Museum

  • Organization : An Art User Conference
  • Section : Project for improvements in the creative environment
  • Type of Grant Program : Long
  • Art Forms : Visual Art / Media Art

Outline of the project

This is a project for launching a museum from scratch in a natural environment without buildings or an institutional framework.
We explore the possibilities of a new museum as art infrastructure, as we reflect on the individual notions on which contemporary art museums are premised, including the separating of man-made from natural objects, the separating of artists from audiences, and the separating of the natural environment from the exhibition space.

First year
(1)Book Club 4: Hito Steyerl “Why Games? Can People in the Art World Think?”
October 31, 2021
VR space on the web

(2)Conference 1: Museum without Museum
November 28, 2021
Akigawa Valley, Jurigi, Tokyo

(3)Book Club 5: A new form of Platform_Thinking through art and technology
February 20, 2022
Web Space

(4)Conference 2: Concrete, decentralized, abstract … Platform @Web
February 27, 2022
Web space
Guests: Kenji Ide, Tomoya Ishibashi, Rika Nakashima, Yumi Song, yoshidayamar

(5)Supplement to Conference 2: Edit Wikipedia
March 20, 2022
Web space

(6)Exhibitions “Collage, Camouflage” and “dis/cover”
June 27-July 18, 2022
The forest facing a residential area in Nagafusa-cho, Hachioji City, Tokyo
“Collage, Camouflage”
Ivy, Kanto basin-forming movement, Zebra, Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso, Agromyzidae, Military camouflage, etc.
Kenji Ide, Ryosuke Ogino, Ayae Kamiya, Tomoaki Sakaguchi, Masahiro Satsuka, Ai Suzuki, Boat ZHANG, Ena Magota

(7)Artist Talk & Discussion: Around the exhibition
July 10, 2022
The forest facing a residential area in Nagafusa-cho, Hachioji City
Starring: Kenji Ide, Ayae Kamiya, Tomoaki Sakaguchi, An Art User Conference

(8)Tour & Conference 3: Discovery of Museums(Collage, Camouflage and dis/cover)
July 17, 2022
The forest facing the residential area of Nagafusa-cho, and the nearby burial mounds and shops, Hachioji City, Tokyo
Starring: Masahiro Satsuka, Tatsuhiko Togashi, Mio Nakajima, Boat ZHANG

Second year

(1)Collective Research & Conference 4 & Exhibition
1. Soviet Non-official Art ‘Collective Actions’/ 2. Excavation of the place and its use
April 8, 2023
Okutama, Tokyo
2023.4.8 10:00-16:30
Guest: Genichi Ikuma

(2)General Museum|Site
June 30-July 31, 2023
Web space and parks, museums, home, group chats, body, supermarkets, flea market apps, etc.
Artists: Takeshi Ikeda, Tomoya Ishibashi, Kaai Ogaya, Hatsune Katayama, Fumiharu Sato & Hiroko Haraguchi, Ai Suzuki, Shinichi Takashima, Akihiko Taniguchi, Rika Nakashima, Asako Fujikura, Kasumi Maeda, Taisuke Makihara, Tamaki Muramatsu, Shuntaro Yoshino

Third year

(1)   Conference 6
June 22, 2024 19:00-21:30
Guest: Roger McDonald

(2)   Conference 7
June 29 2024 1500-20:00
Tokyo Bay area and online streaming
Artist: Midori Harima, Aisuke Kondo, Yuya Koyama, Manami Uetake, Yasuko Watanabe


An Art User Conference
An Art User Conference is an organization made up of artists and researchers. It organizes a range of exhibitions, conferences, publications and events related to art from the perspective of the “user,” a standpoint which differs from the existing orientation of artist, viewer, curator, and critic.


An Art User Conference