A noh performance by three Noh artists of the SHITEKATA KOMPARURYU: KIYOMI MURAOKA, MAYUKO KASHIWAZAKI, and MISA HAYASHI. Part 1 featured “MOMIJIGARI,” in which the beautiful women Taira Koremochi and his party met in the mountains while they were enjoying the fall scenery turned out to be female ogres. Part II conveyed the charm of Nohgaku through a performance of “JINENKOJI,” which depicts the exploits of a hero who rescues a young child from a human trafficker.
A Noh performance group established in 2016 by three female shite-kata of similar theatrical backgrounds and ages from the Komparu School, Kiyomi Muraoka, Mayuko Kashiwazaki and Misa Hayashi. Their objective was to further develop the lineage of “women’s Noh” and provide a forum for pooling the strengths of female Noh artists.
Miito no kai
National Noh Theatre, Shibuya City, Tokyo