What we do

15th Keifukai -Nagayama Reizaburo sankaiki tsuizen-

  • Organization : Noh・Kyogen Appreciation Club
  • Section : Artistic and creative activity in Tokyo
  • Type of Grant Program : Single
  • Art Forms : Japanese Traditional Art


The “15th Keifukai: Prayer and Requiem” event organized by Noh・Kyogen Appreciation Club (of which Shitekata Kanze School performer Nagayama Keizo is president) was a Noh production held at the National Noh Theater on November 23, 2022, under a grant from Arts Council Tokyo. Themed around “prayer and requiem,” the production included Nagayama Keizo performing the ritual piece “Okina,” a prayer for the peace of the world and the nation; and “Toru,”a piece marking the memorial performance for the second death anniversary of Nagayama Keizo’s late father, Nagayama Reizaburo. Noh, which was perfected in the Muromachi period, at its core has a long history as an art form for requiems. The program was designed to focus on a peaceful future through the power of the performing arts, in a world that has stagnated due to the pandemic. Noh artists featuring in the performance included Kanze Tetsunojo, a teacher of Nagayama Keizo, and the National Living Treasures, Umewaka Rosetsu, Nomura Mansai, and Nagayama Rinzo.


Noh・Kyogen Appreciation Club
Formed by Kanze school Noh artist Keizo Nagayama with the aim of improving his own art and popularizing Noh. The organization holds regular workshops at the Noh rehearsal studio Setagaya Nagayama Noh Stage (completed in 2017) in Setagaya-ku’s Kaminoge district. Before the pandemic, the organization used to run the monthly course “Experience the world of Noh” giving participants hands-on experience of not only practical skills, but also of masks, costumes and chanting in events offering an experience of the ABCs of Noh through the study of Noh performances. In addition, the group offers the three-month one-to-one practice course “Let’s Try !! Yokyoku and Shimai” in twice a month sessions.


Nagayama Keizo
Noh・Kyogen Appreciation Club
4-31-3, Kaminoge, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-0093
+81-(0) 50-1018-1863


Pre-Lecture: Setagaya Nagayama Noh Butai, Setagaya City, Tokyo
Main Performance: National Noh Theater, Shibuya City, Tokyo