An omnibus-style theatrical production featuring seven short pieces performed by six actors: Hitomi Kanno, Tohru Satoh, Tsuyoshi Kaibe, Chisaki Ohta, Gaku Suganuma, and Mahiro Hiratai. Calling itself “a collection of short plays for enjoying the hidden strengths of actors,” the production does not use a director but instead was created through discussion between the actors alone. This richly diverse assortment of theater includes an original work by Pteranodon member Suganuma, a work based on a Tennessee Williams short story, and works by Nozomi Makino and Kunio Kishida.
Pteranodon brings together Chisaki Ohta, Gaku Suganuma, and Mahiro Hiratai.
The concept of the group is “a place where we can do what we want when we want.” The group has continued to address theater doing what it enjoys, and doing everything it can to pursue what is interesting, while having some serious fun.
Shougekijou Rakuen,Setagaya City,Tokyo