In order to restore a place for children to co-create freely now that they are being freed from the coronavirus, an art event was held without interference from adults.
A total of 1,194 primary and junior high school students participated in this event (including related projects), in which children took charge of art, manufacturing and town planning as their “work” and built up the event over seven days under the theme [mini TOKYO].
Under the guidance of architects, the children collected Tokyo motifs that they found interesting, drew imaginary pictures called [mini TOKYO] and reproduced them on the Metaverse. The children who experienced the metaverse constructed a town for children at the park site.
Produced by artist Tomoko Hasuwa, the children created a powerful monument reaching approximately 7 meters in height through trial and error. In addition, cyber artist Cyber Okan’s Tokyo-motif art car added color to the town. On the final day, a live performance by local artist “Zydeco Kicks” was held. The completion of [mini TOKYO] was celebrated together with local residents.
【PLAY-WORK Executive Committee】
The PLAY-WORK Executive Committee’s main philosophy is to ensure that children and youth have the rights to express their independence and diversity, to play freely, to have their opinions valued, and to learn from their mistakes. Our goal is to foster human resources who can thrive in an uncertain future, and we carry out projects to achieve this goal. Our main project is the “Work as Play” Children’s Town Project.
Tomoe Sakata
representative of a board of directors
PLAY-WORK Executive Committee
#102 2-9-7 Nishi-Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161-0031
TEL: +81-(0)70-6551-7024
TURNER GALLERY & Minami-Nagasaki Harappa Park, Toshima City, Tokyo