The aim of the project is to provide opportunities for artists to engage with the local community and people of the Meguro area of Tokyo in their production activities, and to be socially engaged. In addition one of the challenge was to create an experience and environment for the local residents, enable to feel and talk about arts within their daily life.
The artists targeted for participation are young artists from Japan and abroad who were interested in to be deeply involved in society and want to make a difference.
This time, seven artists joined the initiative: photographer Maureen Eggleton (from Mexico), textile artist Makiko Sugino, contemporary dancer Mei Yamanaka, director/producer Momo Hachisu, director/dramaturg Chisato Sone, curator Yangyu, art college student / printmaker Kurage.
Rather than focusing on the result or the showcase the perfect outcome at the exhibition, this AIR focused on how the process of exploration and production was made open to the public. During their residency, the artists participated in and organised events and workshops to engage with the local community, and utilised this experiences in their production. Throughout the residency,their past works were exhibited for them to reflect their own works but also to show the process and story behind the artists to the audience. A closing exhibition was held to show and present the final works researched and produced during the residency, even if they were still work in progress.
In terms of the operation, Yuko Mishio directed and executed the project under the supervision of Shino Tuschiya. Cultural anthropologist Yu Mizukami also took part in the project, analysing the impact of the AIR on the region and community, and facilitating talk sessions with the artists at the closing event.
【Impact HUB Tokyo】
Impact HUB Tokyo is a member of the Impact HUB Global network, which is a global community of entrepreneurs seeking to create social impact.
They have provided a community co-working space for a diverse range of entrepreneurship, working styles, industries and cultures since its opening in 2013, bringing together many entrepreneurs and Start-ups, freelancers, artists, intrapreneurs and NPO leaders from Japan and abroad, and continues to generate collaboration among its members.
From 2022, they became a Tokyo Metropolitan Government-accredited incubation facility and providing entrepreneurial programmes. In 2023, they launched a cafe “DELI at COMMUNITA” not only open to the community but more open for local neighbors, entrepreneurs and freelancers to gather together.
Yuko Mishio
Project Coordinator, Community Builder
Impact HUB Tokyo
153-0063 Insatsu-kojo 1F, 2-11-3, Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
TEL: +81-(0)3-6873-8531
Impact HUB Tokyo