What we do

Fu-kin Hyakuman-goku

  • Organization : Team Hyakuman-goku
  • Section : Artistic and creative activity in Tokyo
  • Type of Grant Program : Single
  • Art Forms : Music


Focusing on the accordion, which celebrated the 200th anniversary of its creation, and Sho, the original form of the accordion, the premiere of 10 new pieces written by five composers for this concert were featured. Despite of their beauty sound, duets of both instruments are rare.
In the concert they were able to present the five perspectives of each composer. In particular, they demonstrated possibilities of this fascinating instrumentation, by the sound of the two instruments merging with a subtle difference in pitch. In addition, they were able to realize the beautiful sound of two instruments and electronics, and made the audience recognize that the two traditional instruments can “harmonize” with modern technology.


Team Hyakuman‐goku
The composers group Team Hyakumangoku was formed in 2014 by five composers who are the members of JSCM (Japan Society for Contemporary Music), and has been producing annual concerts in Tokyo, as well as in Kanazawa and other regional cities, each focusing on particular instruments. So far, they have featured recorder, biwa, and bass instruments (bass clarinet and bassoon).


Yasnoshin MORITA
manager of public relations
Team Hyakuman-goku


KM Art Hall