What we do

Musashifutyu kyodo karuta sensyuken

  • Organization : Futyushi no isan no katsuyo wo kangaerukai
  • Section : None
  • Type of Grant Program : Single


Musashifutyukyodokaruta card games have been distributed to third graders at elementary schools in the city since they first came out in 1973, but are now no longer in use. In this context, the think tank behind this project aims to use“Kyodo karuta” (card games based on local areas) to promote interest in Fuchu’s history, culture, and nature among parents and children, and to create lasting happy memories for children who will go on to become the movers and shakers of Fuchu City in the future. In addition, the group aims to educate local people about their city and foster affection in them for their hometown as a way of encouraging them to continue protecting community projects/activities and assets for future generations.


Futyushi no isan no katsuyo wo kangaerukai
The aim of this think tank is to advocate and advance awareness and utilization of heritage to citizens by organizing activities related to Fuchu’s heritage. To foster affection in people for their hometown through the use of “Kyodo karuta” (card games based on local areas) distributed to groups for studying and learning about Fuchu’s history as well as to city elementary schools etc., the think tank’s principal activities comprise the production of Fuchu-themed picture books and Fuchu City PR initiatives.


Katamachi Culture Centre, Fuchu City ,Tokyo