“Ugomeki” featured six artists: Akiko Iijima, Manami Uetake, Shuhei Hayashi, Ryusei Miyazaki, Aki Yahata, and Kaede Yamato, curated by Uetake and Hayashi. The exhibition was held from June 17 to 27, 2024, at CSLAB in Tokyo Zokei University. During the event, a workshop by “with Rhythms,” an artist unit consisting of participating artist Miyazaki and Takuma Imao, as well as a DJ event by kasane vavzed were also conducted. This exhibition proposed the necessity of a “space” that allows individuals to maintain their will while belonging to a group, questioning the role of individuals in society.
Manami Uetake
Manami received an MFA from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2018. While at school, she studied as an exchange student at Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London. From 2021 to 2022, she stayed at Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Germany) as an overseas researcher of Pola Art Foundation. Currently based in Tokyo and expanding her activities in Japan and abroad. Her solo exhibitions include “Vorbei ist nicht vorüber” (Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, 2022), “Imagining Something Unknown” (Decameron, Tokyo, 2022).
Manami Uetake
CSLAB, Hachioji City, Tokyo