This program is to let European handicapped people enjoy our classical performing art which is “Kyogen in Sign Language”.
This time we will play it in International Sign Language for the first time, in Italy where it was born in 1983, and in Paris, the capital of the theatre. We also take part in Festival Clin d’Oeil in Reims, where all kind of handicapped artists will gather together, and will make cultural exchange for further understandings.
● Roma;
Organized by Istituto Giapponese Cultura
Supported by Istituto Statale dei Sordi di Roma
● Paris;
Organized by Maison de la Culture du Japon
Co-organized by Festival Clin d’Oeil
Directed by: Ukon MIYAKE / Chikanari MIYAKE
Produced by: Tetsuko KUROYANAGI
Main actors: Tetsuya IZAKI / Atom SUNADA
Voice performance: Miyake-kyougen no kai
【Japanese Theatre ofthe Deaf】
Founded in 1980, JTD presents many visual performing arts enjoyable for both hearing and non-hearing people, and all kind of handicapped people. By means of the theatre, we try to enhance understandings of sign language and deaf culture to the ordinary people.
Noriko KOIKE
Production Manager
Japanese Theatre of the Deaf
2-2-16, Nishi-shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0033
Tel: +803-3779-0233
PalladiumTheatre, Rome, MaisonDeLa Culture du Japon, Paris, Palais du Congress, Reims