In 2017 the Basic Act on the Promotion of Culture and the Arts was revised for the first time in 16 years, becoming the Basic Act on Culture and the Arts; and in March this year the first Basic Plan for the Promotion of Culture and the Arts was approved by the Cabinet. The cultural administration of Japan is now at a major turning point, with developments such as the Agency for Cultural Affairs being reorganized in order to boost the functional capabilities of cultural administration.
The Agency’s 2017 comparative survey research on cultural policy abroad was implemented in a way that allowed for ease of reference, and facilitated comparisons with Japanese trends. For example the research included survey items on features of cultural policy in each country as well as the ideas behind them, and Aligned the scope of cultural policy targets. Researchers specializing in the countries surveyed will be invited in turn to explain the cultural policies of each nation, including from the perspective of comparison with Japan.
Part 1
England, France
Sachiko Kanno (AIR Lab arts planner/researcher)
Yukiko Nagashima (Researcher, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo)
Part 2
USA, South Korea
Yuki Asakura (Research Officer, general/policy research group , Culture and Creativity Division, Agency for Cultural Affairs)
Jinkyung MIN (Associate Professor, research laboratory for arts and cultural policy , Hokkaido University of Education
Part 3
Germany, general
Yuki Akino (Associate Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Dokkyo University)
Yuki Asakura (supervisor, comparative survey research on cultural policies abroad )
500 yen each lecture (tax included)
Send an e-mail addressed to the person in charge, Educational Programs Section, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, and include the information for items 1 — 5 below.
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Subject line: “Cultural policy lecture: application for participation”
Items to include in the e-mail body
1. Your name
2. Affiliation (if any)
3. Preferred lecture(s)
4. E-mail address
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•Application is complete upon receipt of a reply
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•Please apply for communication support such as sign language interpreting for the lectures no later than ten days before each lecture.
Educational Programs Section
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Part 1
Wednesday, December 19 2018, 19:00-21:00
Part 2
Tuesday, January 15 2019, 19:00-21:00
PArt 3
Tuesday, January 29 2019, 19:00-21:00
Part 1
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Rehearsal Room L(B2F)
Part 2
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Rehearsal Room M3(B2F)
PArt 3
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Rehearsal Room M3(B2F)