What we do

Public Call for Project Proposals for Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture) are carrying out the “Tokyo Cultural Program”(*1) in order to cause big waves to achieve a society based on arts and culture towards 2020 and hand it over to future generations. To accomplish this goal, Arts Council Tokyo call plans and ideas from the public for the Tokyo Cultural Program to be implemented from the autumn of 2019 to September 2020.

Innovative and creative plans and ideas that allow more people to participate are welcomed. The aim is to create projects that play a central role of the “Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL”(*2) to be initiated in April 2020, make the Tokyo Cultural Program memorable, and enhance Tokyo to be a more creative cultural city in 2020 onward.
We look forward to your creative plans or ideas with full of creativity and a challenging spirit, taking this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attract the attention of the world.

*1 Tokyo Cultural Program
A variety of cultural projects that are implemented or supported by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra until 2020
*2 Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL
The name for a series of events and programs of the “Tokyo Cultural Program” implemented for a six-month period starting from April 2020, when Tokyo will attract the most attention domestically and internationally

Application Period

From Thursday, February 1 to Wednesday, February 28, 2018


1. Genre
Music, play, dance, visual art such as painting and sculpture, photography, literature, media arts (e.g. video art, comic, anime, and game), traditional performing art, lifestyle culture (e.g. the tea ceremony, the Japanese art of flower arrangement, Japanese calligraphy, and cuisine culture), fashion, architecture, and multiple art activities not limited to any particular genre

2. Contents
Proposals are expected to have objects as follows:

■ Impactful creation
Providing quality which promotes Tokyo as metropolis brimming with cultural attractions,
raising challenging impression to lead arts and culture in the 21st century, being artistic and
topical, and being able to appeal to inside and outside Japan

■ Involvement of any and all people
Being opened to anyone regardless of generation, nationality, and/or disability to participate,
having well-planned participation scheme or program so as to provide participants with a
memorable experience

■ Expansion of the potential of the arts
Challenging to expand the new potential of art by addressing social issues, being able to
raise a question to society from the unique viewpoints of the arts

3. Scale of project
The cost of a commissioned project itself is limited from millions to 200 million yen. However, the
total scale of project, which includes other funds such as support money or own funds, is not
limited in this range.

4. Location
Tokyo metropolitan district

5. Period
An idea/plan is to be implemented between the autumn of 2019 and September 2020.

6. Eligible Applicant
Basically, anyone can make an application, including individual, group, organization/corporation
(e.g. NPO, executive committee, and companies).

7. Ineligible Activities
– Any idea/plan that aims to propagate or claim religious or political messages
– Any idea/plan that mainly aims to sell exhibits, products or others

Prior Explanation Meeting

The Explanation Meeting for the Public Call for Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Project Proposals shall be held according to the following schedule.

Time and date:
E From 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 11, 2018 *The number of applications reached the capacity, so that acceptance of applications was finished.
F From 2:00 p.m. on Friday, January 12, 2018 *The number of applications reached the capacity, so that acceptance of applications was finished.
G From 2:00 p.m. on Monday, January 15, 2018 *The number of applications reached the capacity, so that acceptance of applications was finished.
Arts Council Tokyo
Kudan First Place 8F, 4-1-28, Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073

For details about the Meeting and reservation, please see here.


Public Call for Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Project Proposals Office
c/o Arts Council Tokyo
TEL: 03-6256-9921 (in Japanese)
E-mail: info@ttf-koubo.jp

  • Special website

    *Application Guideline and Application Form are available on the special website.



Organized by
Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)

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