This program aims to bring Japanese traditional culture and performing arts to a wider audience, both within Japan and overseas, by holding performances of Japanese performing arts that are easy for foreign audiences to understand, accompanied by interactive experiences that enable them to understand the performances and traditional performing arts in greater depth.
「庭園能ー都会の杜、体感する日本の美ー」告知動画 / "Noh Theater in the Garden" promotion clip
「庭園能ー都会の杜、体感する日本の美ー」告知動画 ロングバージョン / "Noh Theater in the Garden" promotion clip long version
2019年度 外国人向け伝統文化・芸能 体験・鑑賞プログラム(ロングバージョン)
2019年度 外国人向け伝統文化・芸能 体験・鑑賞プログラム(ショートバージョン)
FY2019 Experience and Appreciation Program for Foreign Visitors (Long version)
FY2019 Experience and Appreciation Program for Foreign Visitors (Short version)