This symposium centers on special guest Jenny Sealey, Artistic Director at Graeae Theatre Company (UK) and co-director of the 2012 London Paralympic Opening Ceremony. Joining Sealey will be Kris Yoshie (Director, SLOW LABEL), who focuses on creating opportunities for “disabled” and “enabled” people to meet and co-create, and Ken Endo, whose research and development on prosthetic legs for Paralympians has made him a renowned figure in the field.
With more and more people working to fuse the power of culture and technology into environments where everyone—”disabled” and “enabled” alike—can explore the worlds of athletics and the arts, Japan can learn valuable lessons from the achievements of the London Games and the “Unlimited” project as the country prepares for the its own Olympic and Paralympic festivities in 2020.
Guests: Jenny Sealey, Kris Yoshie (Director, SLOW LABEL), Ken Endo (Researcher, Sony Computer Science Laboratory, and CEO of Xiborg Co., Ltd.), and Kazuo Ogura (Chairman, The Nippon Foundation Paralympic Support Center)
Panel moderator: Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto (Director of the Social Development Research Department at the NLI Research Institute)
【Jenny Sealey】
Director Jenny Sealey has served as the Artistic Director at Graeae Theatre Company , a British troupe featuring professional actors with disabilities, since 1997. Creating innovative works that make unique, effective use of sign language and audio descriptions, Sealey has garnered praise across the United Kingdom and the European continent. She has also made important contributions in improving accessibility in the British performing arts sector, adding to a litany of accomplishments that have earned her an MBE in the Queen’s Honours, one of the country’s most prestigious distinctions. Sealey also served as the Artistic Advisor for Unlimited 2012 Festival, a cultural project that played a part in the 2012 London Olympics and Paralympics. Jenny also co-directed the London 2012 Paralympic Opening Ceremony.
Miraikan, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Koto City, Tokyo)