Theaters play an important role in bringing the performing arts to people who have limited contact with them due to disabilities.
For this event, The Japanese Theatre of the Deaf, which has received global acclaim for its performances of kyogen in Japanese Sign Language and which is run by the actress Tetsuko Kuroyanagi’s Totto Foundation, will stage the Kita School Noh piece “Kurozuka” at the Kita Noh Theatre with simultaneous interpretation in sign language, as well as perform the kyogen standard “Busu”. This special showing aims to bring hearing and non-hearing people together to enjoy Noh, while continuing to explore the possibilities for helping the hearing-impaired enjoy Noh theater through the use of “Listening Through The Body” technology by electronics company Pioneer combined with sign language. And as an ambitious experiment, the thrilling Ai kyogen interludes will be played by actors using sign language for the first time in Noh theater.
1. Commentary (with sign language interpreter)
2. Kyogen “Busu” in Japanese Sign Language
Performers: Akiko Kazumi, Tetsuya Izaki, Atom Sunada
Miyake Kyougen-kai (voice actors)
3. Noh “Kurozuka” (with sign-language interpreter)
Performers: Shigenobu Uchida, Shigeru Nagashima,
Noboru Yasuda, Chikanari Miyake, others
【Roppeita XIV Commemorative Foundation】
The aim of the Roppeita XIV Commemorative Foundation is to keep alive the legacy and achievements of Roppeita Kita, the14th head of the “Shite Kata” Kita School of Noh, and continue to promote and pass on Noh theater traditions through activities at its base the Kita Noh Theatre, headquarters of the Kita School. The group also focuses on spreading the word to children, the younger generations and also non-Japanese through a variety of activities that include Noh performances, in a bid to familiarize them with the world of Noh.
Roppeita XIV Commemorative Foundation
4-6-9 Kamiosaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021
Roppeita XIV Commemorative Noh Theatre (Kita Noh Theatre)(Meguro City, Tokyo)