For its first new work in 18 months, Kaki-kuu-kyaku will be appearing for the first time at Honda Theatre. In addition to the talented members of Kaki-kuu-kyaku itself, who have been asked to appear in many other performances, actor Sasai Eisuke, renowned for his stage presence, will be appearing as well. They will perform Yomaigoto, written by Nakayashiki Norihito; a vast, beautiful chronicle based on traditional Japanese literature like the Taketori Monogatari, Konjaku Monogatarishū, and Uji Shūi Monogatari.
Playwright/Director: Nakayashiki Norihito
Starring: Shichimi Mayumi, Tamaoki Reo, Fukaya Yurika, Nagashima Keizo, Omura Wataru, Hamaru Asuka, Hachimine Anna, Hashimoto Atsushi, Tomioka Koichiro, Sasai Eisuke
Founded on January 1st, 2006, this troupe performs the plays of Nakayashiki Norihito. They emphasize the fictionality of their plays, and specialize in drawing out sardonic laughter from their audience through highly fictional methods of speaking and acting that satirize the foibles of human society. In addition to tours inside Japan, they’ve also performed overseas in both joint and solo performances through the International Drama Collaboration Project. They have also performed plays like Artist in Residence, Playgoing with Children Project, and as part of their Shakespeare Reborn series, Nyotai Shakespeare.
Saito Tsutomu
Production Manager
5-10-27 Nakamachi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-0091
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Honda Gekijo (Honda Theater) (Setagaya City, Tokyo)