What we do

Korean Dramatist Series Part 2

  • Organization : The Mozu Project
  • Section : In Tokyo
  • Type of Grant Program : Single
  • Art Forms : Theater


Every year Korean newspapers and dramatists’ associations hold a contest for new playwrights entitled “New Spring Literature and the Arts: Drama Division.” The Mozu Project choses 3 of these works, and translates and performs them. Last year’s theme was “Family,” and this year’s theme is the “Dramatic Imagination in Short Works.” By showing these plays from new authors, we will introduce their views on modern Korean society. Most plays that are translated between Korea and Japan have been relatively popular works, so by introducing these up-and-coming authors, the project hopes to show the basic idea of the future of Korean drama, and how it might relate to the future of Japan.


The Mozu Project
A theatrical troupe formed by Japanese who were enchanted by the energetic drama of Korean producer Lee Yuntaek. The troupe studied in his Coripe group. Members of the Mozu Project are independent actors who have all been, or continue to be, members of other well-regarded Japanese troupes. It is a group of actors, for actors, and the members discuss among themselves their choices of works, directors, and casts. The troupe hopes to remain a unique and powerful force in the small theater world of Tokyo.


E-mail: info◆mozukikau.com
Please replace ◆ with @.


Tiny Alice (Shinjuku City, Tokyo)