This new work is a co-production by performing arts collective Spacenotblank, duo Ayaka Ono and Akira Nakazawa, and playwright Shuntaro Matsubara. The piece was significantly reworked over six months or so following its October 2019 performance in Takamatsu (at MOTIF). The number of performers has been increased from two to four, and the creative methods that continue to reshape Spacenotblank’s stage work together with text by Shuntaro Matsubara have created a new relationship between “play” and “performance” which is also a response to subtle social changes. This production was canceled due to coronavirus, but Spacenotblank’s aim is the active connection of this new drama-performance relationship with rescheduled performances and new works going forward.
Ayaka Ono & Akira Nakazawa / Spacenotblank
Spacenotblank was formed in 2012 as a performing arts collective comprising Ayaka Ono and Akira Nakazawa. Its work explores new values and approaches for the performing arts, developing fresh methods and ideas unconstrained by conventional notions. With an output based on the interrelation between people and the environment and natural communication, the group actively collaborates with different artists for each work.
Ayaka Ono & Akira Nakazawa / Spacenotblank
SCOOL, Mitaka City, Tokyo